His Summer Vacation, the Long Version - A ZapFic100 Story | Based on @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2048 | Prompt: long sentence (sentencia larga) [Eng/Esp]

in Freewriterslast year


Drabble: A 100 word story written using the word prompt "long sentence".

...I remember in elementary school, I had the most difficult time with proper punctuation. Not only me, but my entire class. My teacher was patience while attempting to instill in us how important it was to pause or stop at the end of a complete thought.

I think about that in adulthood when I read material written without any punctuation, except at the end of the paragraphs.

It's annoying and completely turns me off from reading anything from a particular author. I have encountered this on Hive.

I attempt a micro story written in exactly 100 words. The ZAPFIC100 format was created by @felt.buzz.

For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2048. Prompt: long sentence.

Below is my story:


First week back from summer break. Long Sentence stood before his elementary class.

"It's time to share your vacation. One paragraph please. Here's an example."

Long recited his activity in one breath without pausing.


Confused, Amy blurted, "Mr. Sentence, I don't understand. While you were talking, I got lost."

"Class, now that's an example of a run on paragraph. You just keep going without pausing or stopping. By the time you have reached the end, I won't remember what happened in the beginning or the middle of your story.

"I understand now. Punctuation, how you taught. Periods. Commas. Thanks."



Drabble: Una historia de 100 palabras escrita usando la palabra "sentencia larga".

...Recuerdo que en la escuela primaria me costaba muchísimo puntuar correctamente. No sólo yo, sino toda mi clase. Mi profesora era paciente mientras intentaba inculcarnos lo importante que era hacer una pausa o parar al final de un pensamiento completo.

Pienso en ello en la edad adulta cuando leo material escrito sin ningún signo de puntuación, excepto al final de los párrafos.

Es molesto y me hace desistir por completo de leer nada de un autor en particular. Me he encontrado con esto en Colmena.

Intento un microrrelato escrito exactamente en 100 palabras. El formato ZAPFIC100 ha sido creado por @felt.buzz.

Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2048. Prompt: long sentence.

A continuación mi historia.


Sus vacaciones de verano, la versión larga

Primera semana de vuelta de las vacaciones de verano. Sentencia Larga se puso delante de su clase de primaria.

"Es hora de compartir vuestras vacaciones. Un párrafo, por favor. Aquí tenéis un ejemplo".

Long recitó su actividad de un tirón, sin hacer pausas.


Confundida, Amy soltó: "Sr. Sentencia, no entiendo. Mientras usted hablaba, yo me perdí".

"Clase, eso sí que es un ejemplo de párrafo continuado. Sigues sin parar ni hacer pausas. Cuando llegues al final, ya no me acordaré de lo que pasó al principio o en medio de tu historia".

"Ahora lo entiendo. Puntuación, cómo enseñaste. Puntos. Comas. Gracias".



The screenshot at WORDCOUNTER.net evidences my use of exactly 100 words to create my ZapFic100.

La captura de pantalla en WORDCOUNTER.net evidencia mi uso de exactamente 100 palabras para crear mi ZapFic100.

Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 15-59-32 WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing-ZAPFIC100-basedon-dailyprompt2048-longsentence.png


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



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That's a good write up, keep it up.

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