
in GEMS9 days ago


Yesterday was the first time in a long while that I didn't post or blog anything on Hive. I had quite a solid streak going, but now I guess I can't call myself a daily blogger anymore. I had a few ideas and a bunch of photos I could’ve easily turned into a post, but somehow I kept putting it off.

Around 8 PM, a friend of mine from Sweden gave me a call, and our conversation lasted until about 11 or midnight. We don’t talk on the phone that much anymore, so when we do, there’s a lot to catch up on.

He shared an interesting story that I want to pass on to you guys. It’s something I already knew but serves as a confirmation of the role America plays in wars across the world.

This friend works as an electrician, and one day he had a job at a remote wooden cabin deep in the woods of Sweden. The inhabitants of the cabin were actually living in the attic and turned out to be Syrian refugees. Though the work itself only took about 20 minutes, the conversation he had with the man who lived there lasted nearly nine hours.

The man was a high-ranking military official from Syria, someone who witnessed things many of us could never imagine. He spoke about fighting ISIS, which he said was like battling bloodthirsty animals — funded, ironically, by American taxpayer money. ISIS, at that point, was trying to overthrow the government.

What shocked my friend most was hearing how many of these ISIS fighters were just kids, barely 10-12 years old, trained to drive cars full of explosives, shoot guns, and throw bombs. This man had to kill hundreds of them in battle. Though it was difficult at first, he realized that if he didn’t do it, they’d kill his own family and other civilians. It was a war of survival.

Without U.S. support, the war couldn't have gone on, but as always, the help wasn’t free. America, as usual, had its own interests—mainly oil. The aerian support the U.S. provided came at a cost, and when Syria couldn’t pay in cash, they had to offer oil instead. See the pattern? It’s all about oil, just like so many other conflicts the U.S. has been involved in.

The man also believed the U.S. was funding both sides of the conflict. His evidence? The equipment they seized from ISIS was the same gear the U.S. had been supplying them with. Basically, the U.S. was pulling a Rothschild move—just like in World War I—funding both sides. No surprise there, since the Rothschilds still have influence in America and the world today.

But why did this man flee Syria for Sweden? Simple: betrayal. After confiscating tons of equipment from ISIS, he asked the government for guns to protect his family, but they refused. That’s when he decided to sell everything he owned for 5% of its actual value and make a perilous 20-day journey by sea to Italy. From there, his brother, already living in Sweden, picked him up.

The story didn’t end there though. After a while, my friend couldn’t get in touch with the man anymore. Not even his brother knew what had happened to him. Being a high-ranking deserter meant he couldn't contact the authorities either.

Hearing these stories secondhand was fascinating, but it also opened my eyes to the sheer disregard world leaders have for the rest of us. The evil in the world is staggering, and despite all our so-called progress, it feels like we haven’t evolved much. The only thing that’s changed is the weapons we use for war.

Thanks for your attention,


The budget of the U.S. military is bigger than all the other super powers militaries combined.
Funding conflicts is the business model. Internal fighting in any country is where the bling sings.

Word. Very few realise it though.

Damn. It's starting to sound like you don't like America.


I absolutely hate the fuckers pulling the strings over there and influencing the world. Nothing against Americans. Met a few in real life, easy going people, but the deep state… I would crumble that into pieces.

We hate the string pullers too.. but they control everything .. the media, the money, the election process..


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