I wanted to take a break from the series related to the book I;ve been reading. Seems I am getting way ahead of where I probably should be for my next appointment with the therapist, so may slow those posts down to once a week.
Instead of sitting here typing and letting you know what I have been doing and supposed to do later, I should be doing it. But, I needed some time to just take a break. Yesterday was a long Sunday with the Superbowl and all that jazz. So a bit tired today. More than usual.
We have weather coming in tomorrow...again. More snow, and it seems the track is right on the edge for us to get a little or a lot of snow depending if the track goes 50 miles north or south. Seeing I am retired, it doesn't really matter. I just need to make sure we are prepared to wait it out if we get iced in like last time.
I already checked and we have more than enough food. Hell, we have enough to last a month if needed. Snow shovel and salt is ready and in the garage ready to be put to use. I have my contacts for the local neighborhood kids to help shovel if it is too much. Plenty of batteries for backup devices. Ultimately, we are ready for the snow and ice if we get it bad.
Every week I read posts about peoples Hive goals and they usually have some goals with regard to HP to attain for the year or week. So today I am setting the goal of attaining 1,820 HP by the end of the year. That is 5 HP per day, or 35 per week. I think it is attainable just through rewards from posting and curation. We will see. I am not sure if I will be posting weekly with updates on my progress or not, but will update as things progress.
I had not checked my small amount of assets on Coinbase in sometime, so I did that this morning. Seems everything was down today, but was doing okay for the most part. I haven't ivnested anything for a long time, so I need to invest some more into what I have sometime in the coming days. Right now I have some XRP, Stellar, Tezos, Polygon, and Storj. Any suggestions on good tokens with good solid projects behind them? Thoughts on the ones I have?
Currently I am bidding on some coins at an online auction that ends tomorrow and winning. If the current bid stands I will get them for a steal, but I doubt the bid will stand much longer. It always seems just when I think I am about to get a good deal, a sniper comes in and outbids me at the last second.
I have a handful of coins, mostly silver, that I need to catalog and place in holders and folders. This has been put off far too long. They are continually getting moved around in the dining room and getting on my wife's last nerve. Hey, at least they aren't on the dining room table...for now.
The camera and light box need some dusting off as well. This next snow, if it does hit is hard, I plan to take some pictures and share some posts. Due to my breathing issues I can't spend much time outside in the cold too much, but I imagine I can manage to grab a couple snapshots. Plus I have some coins and rounds coming in the mail, so the lightbox could get some use as well.
Well, that is about enough of me sluffing off for now. I need to get back to it.
Thanks for reading,
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-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
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