Working around music on a day off

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast year

It's so hard to have a day off!

Before you judge this statement, just try to see it from my point of view. I know this sounds contradictory because I'm actually happy that I don't have to work today but at the same time this is a situation where I should have to choose among too many things. And it can be a struggle.

How to decide whether to...

- Go for a walk?
- Go to the beach?
- Do some curation activities?
- Celebrate this day, Día de la Hispanidad? (that is why I don't have to work today)
- Stay at home for the whole day and play with shark and cherry sticker sets?
- Write down the music scores of some pieces I will have to play in one month?
- Procrastinate and write this post for Hive?
- Clean the entire apartment?!

You see now what I am talking about. Not to mention that I could read again the posts of HiveBeeCon and respond to those I still haven't done. Or just wait for a StV post, while doing nothing else. It could be an option too. However, to help myself I can already rule out some options. For example the celebration and the cleaning 😂

The beach can still happen in the afternoon and in the meantime, we went for a sunny walk. 🌞 One little creature is now always coming with me, but the story about his immigration to Spain and his new name will come apart. He deserves a complete story of his journey.


To make my struggle harder I can include the possibility of a siesta... to my list...





Owwww, hi... I am back. 😂

So, it was a siesta that came without being planned... Anyway, we would not celebrate anything today, the beach is also now out of the game. Let's go back to the work around the music. Yesterday, the director of the choir gave me the pieces and the scores I have to prepare for a concert which will happen on November 11. The scores are useless, as it is not what I am supposed to play from them 😂 His wife plays her own made-up version, from a music partiture written for several instruments, not for piano. I have never played this piece, a Spanish zarzuela El Barberillo de Lavapiés composed by Francisco Asenjo Barbieri. I will not risk trying to figure out my part blindfold. On my request, she (the wife of the choir director) played it for me yesterday, I recorded it and asked her what she played in certain places.


screenshot from the video

My work is now to listen to this recording, plus use the scores as a reference and write it down as a piano version. My son (for composing) uses a music notation program, Musescore, which will I also use now. I started this morning and did until the part you see on the computer monitor. It is fun, I like adding the little notes to the staff, but it takes a bit of time.

About the piece itself, I had no clue either. I am trying to find more information now for me and listen to the part of the zarzuela, the part I have to play. Although the choir I will play with will not dance and act on the scene (we will perform it just in a normal, concert form), if you are interested you can hear the piece by clicking on this little link.


I have more pieces to learn, all more or less with the scores that have to be changed but I think I will cope with those better. This one is the most challenging one.


Should I just clean the apartment now?

I still have time to choose from the activities on my list 😂



We can already see which one you chose, it seems like a good option to me. I hope the beach has materialized as it is tempting. I would have chosen the beach just like that. hahahaha. I love that little thing, I look forward to the story.

There was a bit of everything in the end. Walk by the beach, music, cleaning, and a bit of procrastination :D

The little creature came with his first travel adventure.
and he has a name now too 😇

I know that little guy! :D

Yes, I adopted it from there 😇 😋

😂😂 me re encanto tu post jj. Es q es cierto tener un día libre no es tan facil como se piensa y es un poco complicado elegir entre varias opciones pero que bueno que estes practicando en el piano para noviembre un saludo y bueno al apartamento no le vendría mal una limpieza 😂

Jajaja, no le vendría mal la limpieza, especialmente porque estaba fuera desde el viernes pasado 😂
Menos mal, alguien me entiende. Es difícil tener el día libre 😁

Jj exacto jj un saludo

Don't clean up! Better the music and then in the evening or later a walk on the beach. I would do that hahaha I love the photograph of the sheet music!

How difficult it is to choose when there is a day off, I understand you perfectly!

Hugs @mipiano ❤️

Note: How difficult it must be to get the score of the music I'm listening to!

The good thing is that I have an idea how it should be, and also there are the scores I can use to reduce, add or whatever to get the right thing. Still, I have to make myself so it and not procrastinate 😂

You'll do great, you're a genius!

I see a hefrom has ended up in good hands and now has a much more interesting life ;)

He already passed the first steps of his immigration to Spain, and he is getting used to the sun :D
His new name and first adventure will be revealed these days 😇

Thank you 🤗

I should have taken one also; I am so jealous now :P :P

A good reason we go back to @krolestwo! :))

My little baby hefrom also needs a brother or sister 😋

We wrote the same comment at the same time :D

😂 Hahaha, I noticed!

That's because that is true - one of the great reasons we visit again his birthplace :))

Looks like every one of you is suggesting visiting KBK once again so I need to plan my trip as soon as possible :D :D


Definitely :D

A good excuse to visit the Kingdom once again :)

Yes, definitely it's a reason :D

I would go to the beach. Gosh, I miss the sea so much!
It's so cold in my home that sometimes outside is warmer ))
However, sometimes I like cleaning. But not after a week that my husband spent home alone :D

Hahaha, the same - it was my teenage son who stayed at home alone 😂

I feel you, sis!


Place in hat (don't put the ones you really don't want to do) and draw, 😂 Less stress to let fate decide.

Hahaha 😂😂😂

Don't know what Mr Fate would pick for me, but I started cleaning 😬


Cleaning has always been my least favorite to-do list, I try to avoid it as much as possible but in the end, I have to do it anyway (thanks to my dog). Curation or celebration, hmm I would have to think about that twice after having a nice holiday. Music is the best choice...

Looks like Heform is having its best life... :D

I will try to give him a good life 😇
Fingers crossed I will do it well hahaha 🤞

I can see that he has a family now... :D

Too bad musicians have no vacations. So, I'd say the option sis to keep working and doing your thing.

I guess it's our fate indeed 😇

Now, that siesta was very important even though it was unplanned😅 I will probably do same. Thinking of what to do can be more stressing than doing the thing itself 😅 because it gets you confused especially if you have so much on the list.

Unplanned - but needed siesta! I am still recovering from a recent travel 😅

Bueno primero lo primero, qué bien un día libre. Gracias a que tienes salud, familia y hogar tienes varios opciones para hacer. Me hubiera encantado que celebraras el día de la hispanidad escribiendo en español, jjj ya se que es fácil usar el traductor en el teléfono. Gracias por compartir siempre tus actividades y estados de ánimo de manera tan original.

Sabes que no soy muy buena en español (ni siquiera bastante buena 🤣), será un desastre para Hive 😂

En Cuba también es día libre hoy? Yo sé que en los países de América Latina a lo mejor no se considera este día igual que en España 😅

Un saludo, @yanerkidiaz 😇

No mi amiga, hoy es día de trabajo acá. Yo por ejemplo estaba al frente del cuidado de exámenes de estudiantes que aspiran a ingresar a la universidad. Ahora espero un ómnibus para llegar a casa. Necesito un tren como el tuyo.


Espero el ómnibus llega pronto para que llegues a casa en breve 😇

Yes it happens to me every time, it's so difficult to decide what to do in the time I have, I want to do one thing and 2 min later I want to do other thing and I so afraid for wasting time that I do it, for no know what to do 🤣🤣🤣 that sounds crazy , right? 🤣🤭

Sounds crazy, yes, but it is what happens when we want to do many things at the same time. when we get bit of a free time. So, the conclusion is that it is better not to have free time or a day off 😂

Jajajaja or maybe we could have all the time and do nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do nothing, as one life coach says 🤣

😆😆😆 q manera de reírme 🤣🤣🤣

Good heavens look at you go! I lost my ability to read manuscript decades ago. I wonder if I could pick it up again?

Of course you could, with a bit of practice. What I don't like is not having music scores hahaha 😁

Haha, when it's your day off but there's a lot of things to do. If it's me I'll end up not doing anything at all. Hahaha, in my mind, why choose if I can just bum around and enjoy the day doint nothing HAHA. It become an unproductive day off lol.

Anyways, the practicing piano is the hardest part I think and need more attention than everyone. It'll be challenging for sure. Why not just procrastinate then? Lol

Why not just procrastinate then? Lol


Should have done that... but in the end I did a bit of almost everything 😉

To clean !!! with rhythmic music and moving the waist. That's how I clean.If not, it is impossible for me, I can spend the day pretending to be cleaning and doing nothing. With dance music that has been on the soundtrack of my life, I can clean a mansion in Little time. After watching the clouds go by, this should be on the to-do list. It's fabulous 🥂😉 Abrazo habanero para ti.

Well, that's called dacing with cleaning, or having fun that results in a clean house later :D Probably the best way to do it actually 😇

Jeje, So many options to spend the day! if you want, postpone cleaning, that always bothers me, although in the end I can't do it 🤷

Cleaning can be postponed, but in the end, it is easier if we do it regularly 😇

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you 🤗

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You are perhaps the music boss i give it to you ma'am

I totally understand you. Sometimes when we really have a day off, outside of work, just out of the habit of always being busy; we are overcome with anxiety and indecision. Music is our ally, dear friend, for absolutely everything, at all times.

Music can be our ally if we are letting ourselves just go with that flow. But what about working around music? as it was supposed to give me some work haha.

We are, in such a way, what we hear as well... So, yes my friend, going with the flow is necessary and good for ourselves. Thanks for stopping by, mate!

Are you going to keep procrastinating on cleaning? You know I loved that prince. I imagine he was very happy with that first sunbath.

In the end, I cleaned that day. Well, I did a bit of everything from my list 😇

Oh dear!! So in the end on your free day you ended up training eh? i feel as creatives, we never “have a day off” it looks like there’s always something to improve with… and if one doesn’t have anything… we find something new :P
But you know, sounds good that you could disconnect for a while with a little siesta :P
best regards 🙏🏽

Yes, I practised. And I also cleaned lol, with siesta breaks 😁

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