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RE: Huge Doodle Art Piece FINALLY FINISHED

in #art6 years ago (edited)

@benja. Congratulations on the attention from this piece, it’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen in awhile—incredible. Thank you for sharing this with us and thanks for tagging #artzone or I might’ve missed it and that would’ve sucked!

How many pens did you go through—did you keep count?

Good lookin out, @curie! 👍🏿


Hey, thanks a lot! Glad to share it with anyone, as the feedback is intriguing and always a pleasure. The #artzone tag has surely opened a gateway for art posts, very helpful indeed.

It actually cost me less pens than I initially expected, as I used different sizes aswell. I think it took me four 12mm markers, one 1mm marker, one 5mm marker and a 3mm marker. So that'd be 7 in total.