Galería de Obras # 1 - Origen de la Vida
Hello friends Steemians! Today I am going to change the process step by step, for a Gallery of works, of own authorship, with the purpose of letting you know a little more about my evolution in the world of art.
I pause to thank the communities @cervantes, @c-squared, @mayvileros, @la-colmena, @curie, @artzone, @theunion, @ocd, @art-venture, y curadores como @dandays for your help and assessment!
Gallery of Works, it will be a presentation of my already elaborated works, which unfortunately I do not have the step by step, but they are still unique and my inspiration. Here I will show you a set of artistic pieces under the same theme, this time it will be Origin of Life, because although they are not identical, they start from the same generating concept, and I have grouped them so that they can appreciate the different perspectives of my vision about it
Work 1
Work 2
Work 3
For those who are already following me, they should know that one of the topics that I am passionate about and that moves my creative process are the unknowns of being. The origin of life, is a process that either from the biological and morphological point of view, or spiritual and philosophical, have generated multiple theories and expectations throughout the history of man.
In these works, represents the moment of conception and struggle to live, in the biological origin of the human being within the womb of the woman, being the union of two elements, which seem to be insignificant, the ovule and the sperm those who mutate into a single being. Where in turn it is dividing and uniting many times, mutating cell after cell until completing the gestation process.
I will continue publishing a little more of these Works Gallery, so, if you like, do not stop FOLLOW ME, VOTE and RESTEEMEAR.
Above all, sharing your opinion is the most important thing to grow as artists.