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RE: The Need for a Beautiful Sunday

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

Awesome looking car, Denise and a hybrid.

What a nice relaxing way to spent a Sunday, in the flower garden and taking care of the little things. The fuschia plant is beautiful.

From what I can see your home is beautiful. 😊


It is a hybrid, Jo! The one that I trade it in was also a hybrid and I am so thrilled to death with it. The one I traded in than the one I bought. The one that I trade it in was getting over 40 miles per gallon oh, so it was Electric and Gas, but that's necessary around here because of the distances, akin to Canada. But I like to feel as if we are doing our part so hybrid was a no-brainer.

Can you think of a better way to spend a Sunday then amongst the beauty of nature? The fuchsia was started with three little twigs and has evolved into a beauty. I wish I wasn't so lazy and I would bring it in over the winter, but plants like that just make a big mess in the house so I just start a new every single year. I know, I know that even sounded bad to my ears.

Thank you for the comment regarding the house and I guess you do get a snippet of it it's I took a shot of me well I was doing the Beautiful Sunday post. LOL thank you for stopping by and saying hello then leaving those kind words behind. Have a wonderful week ahead!


It’s good if we all used electric cars and they would go longer distances on a charge. I’m sure that will come in future.

It hard to look after all the plants that need overwintering. I only have perennials outside and can’t keep any plants in the house because the cats like to dig at them or chew. That’s my excuse. 😊

Thanks Denise and have a great week! 💕

You too!! I agree! I love the hybrid!!!! Electric would be great with a longer charge, but, can you imagine driving across Canada on electric?

No Bueno! That is why we have hybrid.

I have 90% perennials. That makes it easier. LOL

Thanks, Jo! A great week to you!

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