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RE: The Need for a Beautiful Sunday

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

LOL me to do that that sounds like being very sensible LOL
But i was prett sensible was a slow walk this morning and i did take it easy, I know these knees of mine they do this to me every now and again and hen settle down, its been a couple of years since they played up so I cannot complain

But that said I am just doing a short walk in the mornings for my sanity and then whatever steps I do around work out to lunch etc which for me is taking it very easy :)
Sorry. To hear your daughter wa injured but glad to hear she is coming back to her old self.

And with you I suspect you do not often encounter things you see as a problem i life, you have such a positive attitude and deal with anything that comes your way in a positive and bright way

Ohh no the dentist, good Luk with that I have my next appointment inn two weeks but thats just putting in the final crown so easy