Over 10 years ago, the blockchain was invented. Since then, it has been extolled as the revolution in business technology. But in terms of real world applications that enhance business processes, the technology struggles to get adopted.
Instead of focusing on the next revolutionary blockchain that is untested and unproven and light years away from reality we focused on making technology work for us today!
LTO Network is a fully decentralized and highly efficient blockchain infrastructure that is easy to integrate in existing systems that brings efficiency and is production ready.
After being the mysterious domain of insiders for almost a decade, multinationals and governments are gradually entering the blockchain arena. The spike of interest has created an atmosphere where the willingness to use blockchain technology is very high. Despite an abundance of task forces and working groups, organizations are struggling to figure out where the actual strategic business value for them lies. Although cryptocurrencies are growing in hundreds of billions USD in market cap, blockchain barely shows any significant, actively used real-world applications. In contrary to other emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things, it is unlikely that you as a consumer use a product powered by blockchain. Naysayers argue that blockchain lacks the strategic value needed to deliver real-world use cases. Supposedly it is mainly a tool for swindlers and hustlers, relying on the greater fool theory. If organizations continue to fail in finding strategic applications for
the blockchain, this skepticism can evaporate the current optimistic atmosphere, as blockchain technology itself may become the scapegoat for failed pilots and projects.
MORE: https://lto.network/assets/documents/LTO%20Network%20-%20Visionary%20Paper.pdf