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RE: yet more flowers

in #busy6 years ago

Lets hope not it even if they do I am planning on sticking to y plans these days :)


You have your plans in mind there is no going back :)

Ohh yes I don't have a firm date yet but I do have a range LOL

That is good to know and it's like around the corner you best start collecting some :)

LOL thats a good point i kept a few after the last move but we will need more, my plan is within the next few weeks to start sorting through things deciding what we wil take and what can be given away or dumped, a move is a good opportunity to downsize, luckily we have moved so many times we dont have too much to ditch

Not a problem then it will be like a walk in the park for you :)

Ohh yeah this will be easier the hardest part will be finding the right place the packing and move doesn’t worry me at all

OH...really you mean at this stage you haven't found your haven to move to yet :)

LOl well, I know what city we will move to its not exactly a haven it can be very rough in some areas, but some part of the city are nice enough, its matter of when I retire and have the money ready to buy a place having one we would want to buy come available.
I saw one yesterday come up for sale that was almost perfect, the right area, the right size, in good condition from the look of the photos but alas I am not ready to buy yet LOL