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RE: yet more flowers

in #busy6 years ago

thanks so kind of you to say I used to be very slack with taking photos of flowers this year I am in a building with a nice rose garden in the grounds so this has been a food reminder to me to go out and get more flower shots


That sounds lovely! I hope to see more..............always a pleasure 🌹

I do have enough shots to edit for perhaps a another post or two of flowers :)

Sounds like a plan! Love to see them 😊

I will pace them out maybe even save some for winter when the main colors are white or grey LOL

Oh yeah, we need some flowers for winter, but I don't even want to think about it yet, lol. Although, I have saved lots too 🌸

LOL yeah I am surprised i brought it up as well I am trying to ignore the thought of it completely

It's a scary thought! LOL!

Lol whistling and enjoying a summers day