Thank you to everyone that has signed up to become a BETA tester. We received a lot of feedback and appreciate the support and interest in our project.
We have now switched our status to open BETA testing so anyone can download our app at the Google Play Store. To show our appreciation to our community we will be launching a Rewards Event which you can read more about at the end of the article.
Today we wanted to share a little more about our visual identity and our thought process behind our concept and design. We hope this will give you a little insight into BUZZi and inspire you when creating your posts.
BUZZi’s Visual Identity
When creating the design for BUZZi we wanted to focus on the feeling of sharing stories and memories. We were inspired by the design trends of the 50s and 60s as this retro design concept gives a sense of memory and nostalgia, bringing an emotional piece to BUZZi.
This is why we have chosen to show our posts as a Polaroid picture. The Polaroid carries a nostalgic feeling we wanted our users to feel as they share their experiences and stories. Our goal was the have a retro feel but make sure to still stay modern.
We chose to use yellow as our main color for BUZZi Kids as this brought a sense of happiness and soft yellows are often associated with positivity, energy and gender neutrality.
Primary Color: YELLOW
Secondary Colors: GREY, BLACK, WHITE
We are using Roboto for Android. We chose to use Roboto as it has four families, multiple weights, easy readability and we feel is welcoming.
For the title of the post, we wanted to play even more with the feeling of nostalgia and the Polaroid so we chose the Kalam font available on Google Font, which is similar to handwriting. Everyone remembers writing a little note about the moment at the bottom of a Polaroid picture and we wanted to give that feeling when users create a post.
Lastly, we’d like to thank the team behind the Google Material Design for sharing their knowledge and insights so we can make the best product. It has been a fantastic resource for us along the way.
We picked our colors through their color tool:!/?view.left=0&view.right=0
To evaluate and identify the best color contrast we used
BUZZi Rewards Event

We’d like to announce that we will be holding a Rewards Event for our new users. For every new content posted on BUZZi we will reward users with 3 Steem. Below are the event guidelines to qualify for the reward.
- Content must fit under one of our categories.
- Linked product must match with the content posted.
- Product review must match with content posted.
- Content must be written in English or Korean.
- Content must be original content created by you.
- Event Period: July 23rd, 2019 - July 31st, 2019 KST.
The BUZZi team will moderate all content that is posted. Any content that does not meet the guidelines posted above or is considered spam will not be valid for a reward and may be removed from BUZZi.
We will notify all users who have received a reward through the comments after posting. We look forward to seeing your posts!
We would love to continue to hear back about your experience with our app. You can leave any comments, recommendations, and report any bugs you may have experienced at the link below.
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