I have read the contents of your article with the help of google translation, this is great, you love to connect between nature with human, I also like to do that, I have to learn a lot from you.
as you said in point 1, I get it, you really love the german language, that response I got from your article article über die deutsche Sprache
points. 4 I also like mathematics, but I only master mathematics only basically. really what you say we have to remember what we have been through in this life, so that we can fix if there is mistake in the past, and so that mistake is not repeated in the future
points. 5. Ich bin Agnostiker, der dennoch gerne über "Gott und die Welt" philosophiert. [I also want to find the truth about God, you can see in some of my anrtikel, I sometimes call it the the most intelligent, when it comes to the creation of nature, and has the provision of the perfect natural law]
this is just some of my responses, This writing translated Indonesian into English, sorry if there is a misconception, because I also not yet understand correctly English