“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” - Albert Einstein
I have a lot of respect for Dan Larimer. It was his father, Stan Larimer, that got me interested in BitShares and Steemit. Brilliant minds!
I personally do not believe that the developers of EOS, including Dan, have solved the problems of Steemit, because I do not believe they have successfully identified the problems. Steemit was supposed to be an experiment for building a social network on a blockchain, but the builders approached it through a financial and coding perspective. They did not adequately look at human nature, psychology and sociology. Facebook's success was, in part, due to the exploitation of social behavior and human relationships.
I agree that a more proper distribution of our currency is crucial, and this is another problem. This was supposed to be about challenging capitalism, but we have ended up with the same top-heavy model; with just a few Whales having more power than all other users combined!
Maybe MEOS has found a way to solve the economic part of the equation, but as Einstein said above, I believe that the same minds and the same thinking the created Steemit, are going to create MEOS without really considering things like human nature, human relationships and human expression. It'll be another platform dominated by developers and economists.
Who knows?! Maybe MEOS will suck all the best developers, coders and financial wizards out of Steemit, and leave it to the real creative content creators.