@justineh likes sawdust in her coffee :)
I’m not sure how me spitting it out in the most dramatic way possible would be me liking it.. 😂
And seriously @tarazkp.. you should have joined your brother with me on my vacation, we had a blast! You’re just too busy drinking wine and being all intellectual with your posts.. no time for us commoners.
Hey Ash.. I’m not getting credit for this engagement.. this is ridiculous. Can you put my new account in the league already you wanker?
Love you all 😘
I do love being called a wanker by a non-Brit, makes me happy.
I shall add you right away so you can again enjoy mid-table obscurity :P
no time for us commoners.
You should meet my wife.
Can you put my new account in the league already you wanker?
Ah, the way to a Brits heart.
Did you just call your wife a commoner? 😂 Such an ass.. I’ve seen your hot wife, and there is nothing common about her 😝
And of course.. my plan is to make all the brits fall in love with me by using their language against them. It’s very endearing I hear 😉
Did you just call your wife a commoner?
She doesn't read Steem. I am not sure if she can read... ;D
It’s very endearing I hear
They love being called the C-word most of all.
O.o Please tell me that's a euphemism for something else, lol.
Or does she drink some processed thing with "cellulose" as an ingredient?
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