The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ†

in #engagement β€’ 6 years ago

With 30 STEEM and a number of SBI shares to be won - sign up, engage, and win! 🎁

Welcome to the Engagement and Curation leagues. How does your engagement on Steem compare against others?

This weeks Post is sponsored by @esteemapp - A mobile and desktop app for Steem.

Other contests

If you have less than 500 Steem Power, why not join @paulag's Redfish Power-up League? Visit @paulag for the latest 'Red Fish Power-up League' post and register there.

If you have between 500 and 5000 Steem Power, join the @steemcommunity 'Minnow Power-up League' - visit @steemcommunity and register on the latest post.


If you are a member/admin of a Steem Community please consider listing your community by visiting this post by @paulag:

This Post will be promoted with @ocdb but word of mouth works even better!

League Info

Would you like to enter the leagues? Make a comment below - this is for a lifetime membership and so you will need to ask to be removed.

The league tables are reset each week and so any time is a good time to join!

The Engagement League

This league is not based around financial rewards and relates to engagement.

Everyone currently on my master list has a chance here - including those powering down or dealing in delegations over the past couple of weeks.

I've used some metrics relating to:

  • Posts (P)
  • Comments - number of (C)
  • Number of people spoken to (PS)
  • Comments - replies to replies - depth > 2 (C R)
  • Comments - length in characters (C L)
  • Witness votes (W) (for those proxying witness votes, your total is always 30)
  • Up-votes to others (V)
  • Up-votes to different authors (U V)
  • Self-votes - a small minus score for this one, sorry! (S V)

Note: Copy/Paste comments will be excluded!

Firstly, if you are placed in the table above then you among the top 15% of the league entrants!

  • 370 accounts earned a score this week (378 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 805 top level posts (830 last time)
  • The top 100 produced 10515 comments (10892 last time)
  • The top 100 produced over 1.88 million characters of text in comments (2.01 last time)
  • The top 100 cast 41839 votes (30264 last time), of these, 59 were self-votes (57 last time)

Congratulations to this weeks Engagement League winner, @tattoodjay! πŸ†

Swapping places with @brittandjosie, @tattoodjay regains position at the top of the table and added over 900 comments to the blockchain last week - impressive!

Another super week for @brittandjosie in second, and also @chireerocks who holds on to third spot.

Excellent engagement levels also from @anroja, @dswigle, @simplymike, @newageinv, @veryspider, @amico, and @bengy who will all be receiving some STEEM this week.

Those without a self-vote and placed in the top ranks will also receive a little STEEM. These people are: @steevc, @erikah, @cryptoandcoffee, @cicisaja, @wonderwop, @bozz, @johannpiber, @soyrosa, and @kaerpediem.

Well done everyone!

The Curation League / Rewards based

NOTE: If you have started a power-down or been involved in delegations in/out of your account, you will not appear on this list for 15 days following the activities above. Thanks!

The end column is what I think is a genuine indicator of how well you are financially working the curation game with the tools, including vested Steem Power, that you have at your disposal.

🎁 Prizes 🎁

The Engagement League

0 votes to self - Spot Prizes

Lucky numbers

Ordered by sponsor offering prize date:

@amico@chekohler22 (again!)

A big thank you to all the sponsors and well done to the winners!

If anyone wishes to sponsor a number give me a shout and I'll try to remember to add it next week :)


  • If you have spotted any glaring errors in my post, please let me know so I can fix them

  • If you would like to be added or removed from the master list, give me a shout

  • If you have any other comments or suggestions, please enter them into the box below


Sort: Β 

Hi Asher. Thank you for the Steem. Landed in no mans land this week bang in the middle of the sbi's. Hoping to be in the green area next week or at least try anyway.

My pleasure :)

It's usually myself that dodges the SBI's pretty well, but I did collect some last week and so cannot complain.

Not the best of weeks, but at least I managed to get into the listings, and had my doubts about that, even.

Congrats to all the winners, and thanks @abh12345 for tirelessly bringing us the leagues!


Thanks for taking part! :)

Hey hey! I've found my spot again! Everyone, do exactly the same thing this coming week! Thanks @roleerob!

I've registered an SBI share for @pataty69, well done on the most conveted spot on the list!

Mr. Consistency does it again. Well done @bengy!

I hope you enjoy a great new week! 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks, and thanks for the SBI! Can I book in the next one?,

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Certainly @bengy ...

"Can I book in the next one?"

... under one condition. Everyone does exactly what they did last week ... πŸ˜‰

Should be no problem for everyone else to be as consistent as you are, right?

It's a fix!

I'll need to reduce the engagement a little to try and take the pink spot back.

Thanks for sponsoring a number, have a good week!

Pure skill everytime!

Ha ha... Hope you go better than this...



That's me getting annoyed when the splinter I'm working on for the daily reward isn't available for the fourth game in a row!

Ha ha... To think I almost missed the two minute deadline for submitting my team! I got it in in the last second, and I really thought I was going to lose because I just played such an ad hoc picked in a hurry team.

I would like to join the leagues. It looks interesting, and I love all "gamification" stuff on steem!

Posted using Partiko Android

Alright you are now on the list, welcome!

Thank you for including me on the list. I'm a big believer that STEEM experience can only benefit from helping each other, and any gamification that encourage this aspect is welcomed!

Posted using Partiko Android

Weeklies are a little weak this week but nice to see the vote numbers over the week still growing. Thank you @fullcoverbetting for sponsoring the number 25 spot prize. I am actually surprised to see I made it back into the 20's I was shooting for the 30's this week.

There were a lot of post about the thinning of the comments and engagement this week, so of course I had to speak up on a few of them, I was intending to try to do better than my last couple of weeks, but was very surprised at making it into the 20's . @tattoodjay and @glenalbrethsen had a hand in the growth of my comments this week, and of course there was the curie I got, and that brought a few people to look at my post and leave comments which I responded to, so a good week.

I doubt this week will be that good, but it is nice to know that I can push myself to comment and move up the ladder when feeling good. A wonderful job on everyone's part.

Nice to see you hit a lucky number this week :)

Well done on the @curie, always a welcome vote when they pass by - good for the soul.

Have a good one!

Thank you it was a pretty full week.

Congrats for getting curied, @bashadow.

I can relate to how you feel.i had been ou of the top 20 for months... at one point I dropped to 65th in the list.
These last two weeks, I made it into the top 10 again. I had honestly given up on that ever happening again. It's nice to discover I still have it in me when I put my mind to it πŸ˜‰

Posted using Partiko Android

I will most likely fade back into the slightly lower ranges, but it was nice to see that if I pushed I could still climb the ladder. I still do not know who put me in for it, but it was and still is a nice surprise.

Hey, @bashadow.

Well, look at that. Top 25. The original Lucky No. 25 SBI prize. I'm pretty sure that's how @fullcoverbetting is calling these days with as many other SBI prizes there are.

Congratulations. Whatever part I played in your moving up the chart last week was fairly small, I'm sure, but I appreciate the mention, and I'm happy to help out.

And congratulations on the curie, too. All in all, I'd say a pretty good week. :)

I don't refer to the original part of it @glenalbrethsen :)
I am just happy that many did follow my example! That is the most important thing.
Glad I could give the EL from @abh12345 another dimension.

Hey, @fullcoverbetting.

Okay, fine. I'll be the one who calls it the original. :)

So, how goes it these days? Keeping busy I presume between work and family and so forth? Maybe STEEM Monstering. Drugwarring perhaps? :)

Work and family keeps my busy offline.
On the steem blockchain drug wars is out, steemmonsters is absorbing less and less time but the gambling dapps are keeping me busy!
How are things with you?

Oh, the gambling dApps! Of course! Duh!

Out of sight out of mind I guess.

As for me, it's pretty much same old same old. March and April were decent months on the Steemit, Musing, dPoll ends of the platform, and so I guess I'll continue to do some of that.

My youngest son's wife is about due to have their baby (due date is Friday or so, I think), so that's bound to change some things, but we'll see how that goes as far as I'm concerned. It depends on how early this week the boy might be born. If it happens later in the week, I'm probably okay. :)

The past 2 months were also great for me. I does give me, maybe the false, feeling that I can become a dolphin this year!
Good luck with it! My dad says that being a granddad is much better than being a dad :)


I think you still have time to get to dolphin. I'm hoping for at least 1,500 SP over the next six to seven months, which is about what you need. There are definitely ways to make it happen, I believe.

re: granddad.

Well, the priorities change a little. You don't have nearly as much of the stress, but you get to have nearly all of the fun. :) Win, win. Of course, you're not involved in the decision making so much for the grandkids as you might feel the need to be.

I've enjoyed it so far, but I don't have one that's over two yet, so plenty of life still ahead (we all hope) to see how it goes. :)

Congratulations, to everyone who makes it on the list the engagement is what makes us all winners on here
1 SBI share sent to @wonderwop for coming in at number 16 on the list

And thanks for putting this list together Asher

Thanks champ! Well done again this week!

Thanks, kindly, I was surprised to be in the top spot again, seems i did less comments than I usually do but longer ones this past week without even realizing it tillI saw this post

Congratulations to you too @tattoodjay.. you are really incredible good engagers πŸ˜‰ it's fun to keep up with anyone each week. Everyone looks still maintain their days on steemit too.

Yes thats the best thing for me about these posts showing the incredible amount of engagement here on Steemit, even with the lower value of steem the activity remains strong

Congratulations, JJ! @tatoodjay

Ooops! You did it again!! Great engagement and it's amazing to see all that going on among people, especially with the lower values. Great job! Keep on steemin!

Oops I did it again LOL
and congrats on Number 5 :) and yes it is so great to see such high levels of engagement on the league

Five is my number, I swear it. I hit five almost every time, without pushing for a higher level of effort. I'm good with that. ;)

Yes you are pretty consistent there, and just doing what you always did, thats says a lot ;)

Thank you @tattoodjay for the SBI unit and congratulations on coming in first this week. πŸ‘

Posted using Partiko Android

My Pleasure to support this initiative and thanks ;)

Howdy JJ! congratulations and well done, your sbi is on the way!

Thanks so much :)

Congrats to you on First, @tattoodjay ! Those are amazing numbers!

Thanks Just having fun interacting with people ;)

Ha! @tattoodjay Plus being a tad competitive.... The Engagement is what makes it fun!

I know what you mean but I can honestly say this week I honestly thought i was taking it quiet, I was actually shocked to see my numbers

Once you get used to doing that kind of Engagement I think it just flows naturally!

I think you are right,

Have a great week ahead

Congratulation to the top 10 @tattoodjay @brittandjosie @chireerocks @anroja, @dswigle, @simplymike, @newageinv, @veryspider, @amico, and @bengy , well done to all

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Thank you so much for the nice words! I think everyone is a winner! Because if you are engaging, you're a winner!


I believe so also.
Engaging is important for the growth platform. I believe it is the single most important item. It is better now then before IMO.

That's good to hear :) I think overall numbers are falling, but if you are experiencing otherwise then perhaps your own engagement is going the other way - a good sign!

My opinion could be based on more of the quality of relationships I have then the quantity . Comments are more personalized then just single item comment.

🎁 Hi @wolfhart! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dswigle!

Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

@wolfhart, Thank you so much and wishing you more growth and blessings ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

You did very good with engaging.
Growth and Blessings to you also mu friend

Thank you so much for your kind words and response. Stay blessed.

Thanks! :D

Congratulations to all of the CEL winners this week. Looks pretty similar to past weeks, so nice to see the consistent, steady effort! πŸ‘

Waking up this morning to my account value steadily going lower 😞 and for the first time ever, SteemWorld failed to work 😧 for getting the transfer made for my 1 SBI share contribution to the winners. Persevering I finally got there.

So ... For the 4th time (out of 11 ...) the "Hot Pink" award goes to @bengy. 😊 Hard to say how he does it ... πŸ€” ... but that is a win rate of 36%! 😊 Great job!

Off we go into a new week!

Thanks heaps, I'm loving the pink! I think I've found my niche... Now I need everyone to do exactly the same thing this coming week!

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Yes @bengy. Exactly the same ... πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi Rob

Yes I thought I'd leave you to make a comment about @bengy's hot pink strike right, unbelievable stuff!

An off week - STEEM price and the engagement levels are noticeably down on previous totals.

Off we go, on hopefully a better week!

Heh! It suits my complexion!

I ranked higher this time and thanks for me prize. I see so many familiar names up there and some I have helped to grow. They have definitely found a good path. Cheers

My pleasure Steve! Thanks for your continued efforts and Steem-style :D

Thank you very much, I'm still in the top five. Congratulations for other winners

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes you moved up a place this week?

The top 10 looks very familiar!

yes, from rank 6 to rank 4, something very extraordinary for me. Thank you @abh12345

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow, thank you so much. It is an honour to be on this list, and also a lot of work πŸ˜‰

Well done, a new name up there this week :)

Thank you ... and I'll try to stay there, although I might need a ghostwriter, when I look at the numbers above πŸ˜‰

Not a bad idea :D


Nice to see you on the list ;)

Yes, but this is hard work - I still like the idea of this engagement league though 😊

It is a bit but I was active before joining the league I didn’t change what I did on here at all to be honest

I also do not want to change by engagement here, maybe a bit more commenting, but I do not want to spend more time here, than outside photographing ;)
I will not compete with you πŸ˜‰

Remember i spend 4 hours a day sitting on a Tara in, when hat stops my engagement numbers will most likely dive :)

That's true, and I am driving 10 minutes by car, where I cannot be on Steemit ;)
But I'll do my best to engage me more here on Steemit :)

I think you engage well from what I have seen we often have long trails of comments discussing one thing or the other, ITs a matter of getting balance between engagement and out taking photos in our case, Homesteadingfor homesteaders, gardening for gardeners etc etc, there is not set right balance it varies for every person I believe

Back to the list after being a week off. Thanks for the stats @abh12345!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nice one, cheers :D

Lol Even though I was a bit lazy this week, I love not going home empty-handed thank you @amico for sponsoring me! The top 100 produce 10k comments hot diggidy that's a talkative bunch

That's the nice thing about all these number sponsorships :D

People round here don't say 'hot diggidy' much, I would like to hear that phrase thrown around more often!

Now I'm going to have the old Oscar Meyer hot dog commercial song stuck in my head. LOL

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

My pleasure, mate! ;) Are we becoming buddies, with lucky number #22? ;)


Well thats great work @tattoodjay congrats and i am happy in company off you and @cheerirocks and the rest off the list is just as impressive. Love that the list has so many friends on it.
So i see you all next week !

Thanks it was very close between us, :) I agree it is so cool seeing so many names i recognize and interact with on the list

It was but thats ok, and we all bring such great things to the table i love it ,
So its on for next week starting RIGHT NOW HAHAH

LOL starting early, funnily enough, Sundays are generally a slow day for me till the evening so I am starting early for next week as well ;)

Hahaha well i hope it Will be a great week for all off us.

Lets hope so :)

The top 25 are everywhere it’s really an achievement what the whole list is responsible for, not only the amount of blogs but also the amount off characters.
It’s crazy

Indeed it is the activity on here as shown is this list is pretty phenomenal

Well done Britt - always up near the top and very close to number 1 again this week :D

Congrats on 2nd, @brittandjosie! I'm sending you two sbi shares for being in my favorite no. 2 spot!

WoW thank you thats so kind

Yay, another great week for me, I won the lucky number again, although, just like the last time, I have zero idea what it means but I'm going to find out soon.
Congratulation people for the great job!
Thank you @abh12345 for running the league and I'm happy I came third in the curation table πŸ˜‰!

A really good week for you!

3rd in the Cur table is amazing! Got any tips? :D

Thank you! Yes, my advice is to use your votes wisely πŸ˜€

It means I sent you a share of @steembasicincome! :) Great work!

Β 6 years agoΒ (edited)

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

You're welcome! :) Different people give SBI on different lucky numbers. 13 is me.

Looks like 13 is not a bad number after all :)

Exactly! :)

Thanks for mentioning eSteem app. Kindly join our Discord or Telegram channel for more benefits and offers on eSteem, don't miss our amazing updates.
Follow @esteemapp as well!

Do I see correctly... the last couple of weeks, the stats seem to be dropping...

For sure I got some Steem this round... and just made it... phew
Thank you so much

And congratulations to all the winners
You guys and gals are awesome :D

Congrats on your Steem! You did a great job with all your engaging comments! :)

Awww @phoenixwren
Thank you <33

Well, @abh12345.

No. 42. I might be able to do better than that this week. Who knows? I guess I'm back into that "I could wind up anywhere" phase again.

I pretty much gave up. That's what it was. The mountain climb got to me, and I just waved everyone else on.

Which means, I'm responsible for about 150-200 of those comments that we lacked, and probably the lion's share of the character count, too, now that I look at it.

This is the point where I should bellow some rallying cry, that I will do better, etc. I'm afraid that's not going to be the case (though I don't think it would be too hard to beat where I was this last week, even if I didn't try for a few days). But my youngest son's wife is due to have their baby this week, so I'm expecting some kind of disruption in the normal routine of things.

Anyway. That's fine.

Congratulations everyone. Well done. Woohoo.

Onward and upward.

Or I could just have a picnic lower down. :)

I'll likely be joining you for that picnic later today. I hope all went well with the new arrival :)

Hey, @abh12345.

Things did go well. Baby boy arrived shortly after 10 pm PST. They left for the hospital at 12:45 pm, so they may have been a little early. :) I guess they ended up walking around for an hour or two before being admitted.

That is fantastic news! Congratulations everyone!

engagement 13_8.PNG
SBI sent! Sorry I somehow missed this entirely yesterday. My brain has been extra foggy. :) Good job, everyone!

Thank you @phoenixwren :)

very nice idea

please count me in!

Thanks @stevescoins, I will do that right away. Welcome!

Thank you!

I've made it for the second week in a row. Very happy about it, but all the commenting has a negative effect on my's been ages since I published a post that was up to standard... πŸ™„

Congrats to everyone who made the list. You all rock! 😎

Thanks for keeping this going, @abh12345. I can imagine it takes quite a lot of work to get this post up every week, but the motivational impact is huge!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice image! :D

I'm glad it helps with motivation - mine is lacking a little and so hearing this helps pick me up.

Well done for making the top 10 again! :D

I had noticed, even before you pubished yesterday's post. I completely understand. Happens to me too quite regularly.
But then I get a comment from one of my delegatees in which he tells me how he appreciates that small delegation, and how excited he is. And then I remember why I'm still here.
I might have lost a big part of my faith in SteemIt, but a lot of people are just starting their journey. And no matter what, it has been amazing so far...

Posted using Partiko Android

F=/_Β£Β₯Β₯=+Γ—^*(β‚©/Γ—king self votes!!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

hahaha :D

My week...

  • self votes through trails
  • published three things at the wrong f3557ing time
  • undelegated to @naturalmedicine by accident
  • stubbed toe .. twice
  • stuffed up a work thing
  • found out dads cancer is incurable
  • woke up half an hour late for my own discord meeting
  • lost my ATM card
  • filled car with petrol before realising I'd done so, meaning I had to pretend like I wasn't a criminal
  • drank too much red wine and got a hangover

Can't wait for Monday.

Posted using Partiko Android

Everything is OK! 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Muuuuaaaahhhhhh... Yes it ABSOLUTELY is!!!! Thanks sweetheart. I assure you in finding joy amongst the whirlwinds and craziness. Xx

Posted using Partiko Android

That's a hefty list for the week. Sorry to hear about your dad :(

Yeah, it's devastating for us all and I can think of no one who deserves a long life more. Thanks. Probably why I've been distracted and doing all the other stupid things like forgetting to un self vote myself lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh noooo, I hope your week gets better!!

Ha ha, I have the same problem... It is like playing whack a mole...

Oh my god that is a PERFECT analogy, @bengy!

Love it! If only there was a way to get into the box...

Incredible to see how the community moves together in behaviors as now only a handful of self-votes these days! Thanks for the efforts as usual!

Posted using Partiko iOS

2520 points to get in top 100 this month. It's the lowest it has been in 6 weeks. Oddly, the top 20 keeps rising and it a lot more random. I am trying to make sense of this, but I cannot wrap my head around it.

Well spotted :) No pressure as always!

Thanks for the steem, Asher and running the Curation and Engagement League. I seem to come to the same place almost since the very beginning. So, truly, it is my true spot. :)

I appreciate the incentive to keep on going. Have a most wonderful day and congratulations to all the winners!!

Thank you @dswigle! :D

My pleasure!

Congratulations to all the winners on this list, which is everyone, because you make Steemit interesting with your engagement. πŸ™

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed! :D

One day i will make that list... One day..

Tune! :D

Everyone loves bozz! SBIs on the way!!

Cheers Boomy!


Does anyone else always see this in their mind...


... when they start reading the engagement league results?

Powered up 100 steem, a few days late, and a drop in the bucket, but still a sign of my confidence in the blockchain growth.

I think community winners here are the builders for everyone's future success. It shows value in the system by having people to form valuable and easier relationships. My linkdin account never did a scratch of what I accomplished with a single steem account.

I comlete agree. There's no place like 'home', lol. What I've been able to achieve here in 18 months - personal growth, communication, building 'real' relationships with people, learning such a lot of new things - can not even be compared to what I hd achieved during the 15 years on any other social account.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lovely comment, thank you!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account.
If you are a community leader and/or contest organizer, please join the Discord and let us know you if you would like to promote the posting of your community or contest.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

I'm climbing up again YAY. Great work everyone!!

Thanks and well done! :D

@abh12345, Always πŸ‘ for your efforts brother. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you :)


Congrats with the lucky number 25 @bashadow! You have been sponsored an steembasicincome share.


Cheers Peter!

congrats engaged people :D :D :D keep up the good work <3 !!!

Well done @veryspider - just ahead of me :)

Yea! If there is space, I would love to join.
Count me in too!! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Always room here, welcome! :D

Hi @abh12345!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 8.025 which ranks you at #19 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has dropped 1 places in the last three days (old rank 18).

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 189 contributions, your post is ranked at #5.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • Your follower network is great!
  • The readers appreciate your great work!
  • Great user engagement! You rock!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

Congratulations @abh12345!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 3 with 120 comments

I'm in the bottom part, I had a busy week

Posted using Partiko Android

You got a 35.92% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @abh12345! :)

@ocdb is a non-profit bidbot for whitelisted Steemians, current max bid is 20 SBD and the equivalent amount in STEEM.
Check our website for the whitelist, queue and delegation info. Join our Discord channel for more information.

If you like what @ocd does, consider voting for ocd-witness through SteemConnect or on the Steemit Witnesses page. :)

I am very new in the whole Steem ecosystem (literally signed up two weeks ago) and I just keep coming across all sorts of amazing community startups trying to make this platform into something. I love it! As seen from this comment, leagues are my latest discovery. So I'd like to be part of it and added to the league :)

Excellent, thank you :) I have added you to the list.

You may also be interested in this initiative also. Welcome to Steem!

Thank you. Yup, added my opt-in comment to that one as well :)

Hopefully I'll be seeing your name around soon enough then :)