Today our redeemer was born, the King of Kings, the love of love, the eternal, blessed be. The verb became man and dwells among us, you are grace and truth. Thank you Lord for this Christmas, let us contemplate you in a manger in every corner of the world of our homes and go out to meet you. Thank you sir for your love, help me to be born within me and in all my followers and readers, teach us to live like you, humble, servant of all. Help us to be a new person, to live the life that is wonderful, in the midst of difficulties and mistakes, help me to be happy and make our families and everyone around us happy.

Divine child, may you be the center of our lives, you are the son of God. I give you a Rain of Blessings for my country and the whole world. Amen!!!

Love your pets take care of it a lot and more at these parties with fireworks that suffer a lot from their hearing sensitivity….

Enjoy healthy and enjoy the most beautiful thing that is your family and the wonders of nature ... God bless you.