Welcome to Finish The Story! And my this is a brilliant ending to come in on, I very much hope we get to see more from you!
You build on the first half so very well, taking the details and using them to tie the story together, this is just wonderfully done. The way the Doctor reacts to this strange story with such serious belief really adds to the suspense. The way that Kurt tells the immersive story of how he got here, I was so caught up in that, I didn't see the end coming at all. I guess eventually he had to pay up on the soul part of that deal! Particularly like the details of the sacrifice, and how lightly they come into to conversation, just some great bits of descriptions in there as well, the bagpipes line was a great one!
You have picked up on so much in the opening and addressed it, I am just very impressed by the close attention you have paid to the first half, and my word that really paid off because you deliver such a complete ending. You are admittedly very over the word count, but I myself often end up going over, passion outruns the counter. That said your skills of observation and penmanship (you write so well I could easily believe english was your first language) I can't wait to see you future entries. Generally people get away with up to 550, although we pretty much all go this far over now and then, so fairly certain it will be forgiven.
A great ending by any measure, especially for your first time in the contest, very happy to have you with us <3