Who knows what processes are used to make lab grown "meat"? Does it contain the same minerals, fats, and enzymes as real animal parts, and if so, which parts?
According to their information, this is done by using cultured stem cells. So they take a biopsy of an animal, get the number of cells to grow so the product "expands", and then they have a mass of tissue. However, that tissue doesn't have the texture or flavor of actual animal meat because the product is not actual meat, it's basically a mass of cells, i.e., a lab-made tumor of animal cells. That's not very appetizing.
As for the ranchers, of course they have a right to protect their product. If lab grown meat can be labeled and sold as "chicken" or "beef" without any identifier of it's origin, we know have no ability to choose what we're actually consuming. Clearly they deserve protection from being forced out of business by corporate entities whose working relations with the FDA allow them an upper-hand in how this new "meat" is marketed and sold. Crafty wording such as "all natural" has been known to confuse and trick consumers into thinking something actually comes directly from natural sources. Meat tumors grown in a petri-dish are far from natural, regardless of if the source for their lab process is a living cell.
Lastly, I find it extremely hard to believe that this "meat" will hold any of the actual nutritional value (aside from empty proteins/calories) that real meats contain. There are chemical and biological processes that are required in order for "meat" to develop it's specific characteristics and qualities.
Barf.. Farming is sustainable, but the proper methods are less profitable and that's why we see these ideas. How many natural animal habitats are destroyed to farm soybeans so that people can say thy're not eating meat and therefore not harming animals? How many metric tons of Round-Up is the earth absorbing when all those soybean fields are sprayed, and what percentage of glyphosate and other nero-toxic pesticides are reaching our groundwater? How many toxic industrial byproducts are created during the process of lab-grown meat? Does any of it really pan out? Is this really a solution for humanity or is it a solution for stupid humans to cling to while the manufacturers count money?