125 million people play Fortnite worldwide.
The game combines mechanics of recent popular games.
Thousands of parents report cases of Fortnite addiction.
Fortnite is the hottest game in the world with over 125 million people playing worldwide.
The game is free to download and play, yet through in-game offers for items such as extra costumes for their players, Fortnite has earned more than $1 billion . With Epic Games recently announcing over $100M in prize money for the Fortnite: World Cup, it’s clear the Fortnite phenomenon is here to stay.
Why Is Fortnite So Popular?
Fortnite is a combination of popular games such as Pokémon Go, Minecraft and Call of Duty, and appeals to a wide range of different gamers, from those who enjoy fighting, to those who enjoy economics, to those who enjoy being social. Although a fighting game, Fortnite appeals to teenagers with its cartoonish look and pop culture feel.
It also contains a Battle Royale mode, pitting you against 99 other players to see who will be the last gamer standing. This creates a strong hook for you to play more because if you come close to winning, you want to try again! Fortnite also contains daily challenges to keep you coming back each day, and is available on all platforms including on the PC, PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile devices.
Fortnite is not only a viral sensation—with over 40 million people playing in the month of May alone—but it is intentionally designed to be addictive. Here are a number of other game design features in Fortnite:
How to stop playing fortnite
With the game’s popularity sky-high, and epic prize money available to be won by the best, parents are now hiring coaches for their sons and daughters in the hopes of them be coming the next star.
What is Fortnite Addiction?
The game hasn’t been a hit for everyone though, and parents report heartbreaking stories of Fortnite addiction. The horror these parents face range from teenagers refusing to go to school, to wetting themselves in order to keep playing, and even stealing money.
Fortnite addiction
Recently an online divorce website shared that Fortnite and other online games are the cause of 5% of divorce cases in the UK. Although the majority of gamers play in healthy ways, the World Health Organization estimates that around 4% struggle with addiction issues, and should seek professional help.
How to Stop Playing Fortnite or reduce playing FORTNITE
There are four steps to follow if you want to stop playing Fortnite:
First, you want to commit to a 90 day Fortnite detox. This means not playing Fortnite or any other video game cold turkey for a period of 90 days. Research shows your brain can be negatively impacted from overexposure to video games, and these structural changes take 90 days to reset.
Treat this as an experiment to learn more about yourself and your relationship to gaming. At the end of the 90 day period, you might want to try to play in moderation, or you may want to continue to quit forever. That choice is yours.
Next, you need to find replacement activities. You play video games like Fortnite because they fulfill certain emotional needs you have. These needs can include the desire to escape from stress, the desire to socially connect, the desire to experience constant measurable progress, and the desire to feel a sense of purpose or certainty. To stop playing Fortnite you need to replace the need Fortnite fulfills for you with new activities.
Third, structure your time. Video games are your go-to activity whenever you have free time and have fulfilled your obligations for the day. They are your habit, especially when you’re bored, or have nothing better to do. After you quit, be intentional with your time. Use a calendar or daily agenda to schedule your day with your new activities.
Best of luck friend .