Greetings to Mi.. Fred Murrin from a different part of the world.
One of the best blog I came across recently in this platform. Not because it contains so much informations or general knowledge that may enlighten the reader but simply because of the fact that it provides you with some details happening somewhere in the other side or corner of this world. Details that may otherwise having no chance for reaching others through any other media'.
It really surprised me that I00 year old warplanes are not in a museum but someone really working on it to reshape it, not only that he is also having history in his custody through the drawings of those. He is lucky and you too in a way that it was possible to witness it first hand.
Though the photographs are insufficient to the context of the blog, but the posted snaps are worth to have a small understanding of what this great man is doing. The photos with wooden frames reveals the quality of his work he is doing.
Also good that you gave the link to know more about it.
Thank you for this blog.