Two years ago my precious little boy was born. He has brought so much colour and joy to my life and my husband's that we are often left speechless. We are blessed to be his parents and to watch him discover the wonder of life. For his baby shower a friend, also a creative health nut, made us a magnificent cake covered with little farm animals. Being slightly goat obessed (anybody guess?!!!) I kept two of the little goats. Last year they came out to grace the first chocolate birthday cake. The recipe I shared back then. Of course being all chocolate AND health addicts I repeated the chocolate tradition today - as well as hauled out the little goats! The results were delicious and much celebrated by my beloved two year old.
It has been many, many months since I joined this - my favourite Steemit challenge, #fruitsandveggiesmonday. Initiated by @lenasveganliving, and hosted by @plantstoplanks, I have appreciated the lovely entries during my silence, as well as the inspiring entries from newbies! Today I I thought I'd pop back with a bang of delicious and all natural chocolate mousse!! Last week I was given a very special baby shower. It included a not so healthy chocolate cake. Today we celebrated with the healthy alternative.
You may be surprised to know that the chief, and secret ingredient is the very rich avocado. This wonderfully nutritious fruit is full of potassium and a natural antioxidant. It is also a good cholestrol. The fat of the avo is essential to general well being, as well as brain health. The rest of the ingredients are equally nutritious as well as delicious!
1 cup almonds (soaked overnight and rinsed)
1 cup (depitted) dates (soaked in enough water to cover and absorb)
4 tablespoons coconut flour
dash salt
dash cinnamon
dash vanilla seeds or extract
My little helper was indispensable in creating this mousse - as well as sampling all the ingredients! With an array of his toy tractors and wooden cars to assist his creative juices, he helped load the food processor. In went the almonds, dates, salt, cinnamon, vanilla and coconut oil. Once nicely blended the doughy base was ready to press into a pie dish. After tasting, of course!
Spread the nutty pulp to a thin crust (about 0.5cm) Bake at 160 C for 20 to 30 minutes, until browned, slightly crispy and smelling baked. I like to cook using my sense of smell. Because our beautiful almond trees are blooming we liberally filled our photos with blossoms! And then moved on to the mousse while the nutty base cooled.
1 cup organic raw cacao (more or less depending on preference)
4 - 5 ripe avos (depending on size)
dash of vanilla seed or extract
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 - 1/2 maple syrup (quantity is dependent on preference)
In the food processor mix avos, cacao, maple syrup and melted coconut oil. Because it is winter in SA we had to make sure the coconut oil was melted and relatively warm. Cacao - specifically the organic and raw cacao - is a wonderful source of magnesium and iron. Cacao rich foods will help combat depression, stress, blood pressure and boost heart health. So feel guilt free getting your regular chocolate fix!
Once the mousse is blended to a smooth and dense consistency you can spread it in your nut base and refrigerate until set. It lasts for about a week. And is very rich so enjoy in small portions! We will be sampling our kitchen masterpiece every day before breakfast. I love that I can feed my healthy farm boy chocolate that is really good for him! I love his zest for life and every teeny aspect of it. We have so much to learn from children! May each of you experience joy, like a little child! And may each of you eat decadent chocolate with no strings (or fat rolls) attached!!