In my first article I’ve talked about the five training principles what can make you training better and how you can train smarter. In this article (my second) I will talk about the 3 different body types, what the pro’s and con’s are about them and how you can take advantage of the type you are.
But first let me say this, the truth behind training is hard and to be realistic not everybody will have the perfect body type. Wait, is there a perfect body type? Well unfortunately the answer is yes. Yes, it is rare to have it, but there are a few lucky people in the world who can eat almost everything and still be bigger and leaner than somebody who makes everyday count food and training wise. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t make yourself a stronger, fitter and healthier.
Another true aspect of the different body types is that almost nobody really fits within one type only. After this article you may think that you fit just in one body type and perhaps it’s true, but normally speaking, the majority of us are a mix of two different body types and in the worst possibly scenario you’ve got the body type mix where you have to train your butt off to get bigger and eat perfect to be lean. So, are you curious now about these body types? Well let’s start then!
Body type 1: Ectomorph
The ectomorph is also known as the ‘skinny guy or skinny girl’. This body type doesn’t have a lot of fat stored and is usually long and skinny. This body type also usually has small shoulders and small joint’s compared to other body types. There metabolism is quite to very high what means that they can eat almost everything and will not put on weight. (I know some people are getting jealous now). This body type is perfect for getting those fine muscle details and they often won’t have a problem with building a six pack (abs). But the downside to this body type is quite heavy. This body type finds it quite difficult to build muscle, because they have such a fast metabolism.
The pro’s and con’s about this body type are:
- Low fat deposit/ and almost no problem with getting lean
- Faster muscle definition
- Holding on a diet will be much easier than other body types
- You will keep a younger appearance for longer
- A lot harder to build muscle
- Will have to eat almost more then you can handle to build muscle
Body type 2: Mesomorph
The mesomorph is the body type who’s got it all. This body type has a natural athletic posture with wide shoulders and big joints. Also, it has fast muscle growth, is not fat and will have natural bigger muscles than the ectomorph. People with this kind of body type, can have the perfect body type when they are natural athletic combined with low fat.
The pro’s and con’s about this body type are:
- A natural athletic body
- Fast muscle growth
- Easy to lose fat and maintain muscle
- When they are older it will be a lot harder to lose body fat
Body type 3: Endomorph
This last body type, the endomorph is the opposite of the ectomorph (body type 1). People with this kind of body type are usually rounder and softer (read more fat). They got the biggest joints of all the body types and can be really strong, but lack in the condition aspect. The endomorph loves food and doesn’t like it to diet, the endomorph can really struggle with this.
What I do want to say about this body type, nowadays a lot of people are having obesity and not all of these people are endomorphs. Unfortunately, we live in a world were food is just around the corner and it contains a lot of calories, while we are having jobs were, we sit a lot and not being psychically active. This can lead to obesity and sometimes has nothing to do with this body type. While it sounds like the endomorph is the fat guy/girl with no pro’s and only con’s this is absolutely not true. If you ever heard of the strongest man challenge, these men are almost always endomorphs and they can achieve strengths what most of us can only dream of.
The pro’s and con’s about this body type are:
- Fast and heavy muscle growth
- Very easy to gain strength
- A lot of fat deposited and very hard to burn this
- Harder than any other body type to hold on a diet
Here below is a global picture of the 3 body types. But remember, almost nobody is one body type only. And if you train and eat good you can achieve a lot more then you ever thought.
Well people, I hope you have enjoyed this post! In the future I will be posting more articles about these kinds of topics. I you have a question, or a request let me know in the comments and I will see if I can write something about that!
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