When you're preparing to flaunt your legs this late spring, you need them to be perfect and smooth—not secured with small spots.
You know how strawberry seeds give the natural products a spotted appearance? With certain skin issues, your legs may begin to take after the dotted berries. "Strawberry leg is an expressive term for pink to red appearance to the skin spotted with either dull or white specks," says dermatologist Ava Shamban, MD, of Ava MD. The spots aren't unsafe, however they can make a few ladies reluctant, particularly amid summer. Contingent upon the reason, the accompanying advances can enable you to figure out how to dispose of strawberry legs.
How to get rid of strawberry legs from folliculitis
Folliculitis is the restorative term for contaminated, aggravated hair follicles that leave patches of pimple-like knocks on your skin. Like with skin inflammation, benzoyl peroxide can facilitate the knocks—have a go at utilizing benzoyl peroxide in the shower before you shave, recommends Dr. Shamban.
Some folliculitis comes straightforwardly from shaving—you may realize it better as razor knocks, says Sweta Rai, MBBS, a dermatologist situated in London. Being delicate amid hair evacuation will anticipate razor consume and dispose of strawberry legs, so stay away from unforgiving systems like epilators she recommends. You ought to likewise be cautious with the items you use when shaving, includes Dr. Shamban. "Try not to get languid and use cleanser before shaving; utilize a saturating shave cream," she says. Try not to miss these different approaches to dispose of razor knocks from shaving.
Individuals with strawberry legs can likewise utilize a 1 percent hydrocortisone cream in the wake of shaving, says Dr. Shamban. Additionally, wash with a shower cream as opposed to drying cleansers and gels, includes Dr. Rai. Also, make sure to change your razor consistently, in light of the fact that dull razors are bound to scratch your skin and cause aggravation.
How to get rid of strawberry legs from ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are another shaving-related issue that can prompt strawberry legs. They make red specks or knocks and can look pimple-like in the event that they get contaminated. Shedding your legs can help quagmire away soil and oils that offer ascent to ingrown hairs; Dr. Shamban suggests a custom made scour of ground almonds, yogurt, darker sugar, and cereal. You'll likewise need to keep away from these ways you've been shaving your legs all off-base.
On the off chance that strawberry legs are a common issue for you, the best arrangement may be an increasingly lasting type of hair evacuation, says Dr. Rai. "The main way [of staying away from it] is decreasing the thickness of the hair by diminishing the hair development, the two of which are finished by laser," she says.
While most knocks on the legs are only a corrective issue, call your dermatologist on the off chance that you see an unusual red or dark colored fix on the leg, says Dr. Rai. "Lower legs are the most widely recognized spot for melanoma [a sort of skin cancer] to show up in ladies," she cautions. Next, read up on 51 different things dermatologists need you to think about skin disease.