Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts, Matt! First off - I want to mention how refreshing it was to read an update from a top witness that was succinct, convicting, and not overly technical.
There is one point I want to offer a different perspective on though. I used to think that a lot of the crypto community just didn't know about Steem - and if they did, things would be different. Basically, I just thought we needed to get the word out.
I've been getting out into the greater crypto community a lot more lately at different events, meetups, and online and have found most people I meet (including investors) are well aware of Steem. I know they aren't mistaking it for Steam because we usually have a conversation about it and they'll mention Dtube or blogging. The general consensus I've found from people is that they looked into Steem once and were super unimpressed... so they moved on. A quote I've heard from a few people is...
"I have no doubt in the technology, but have zero faith in the leadership or direction."
As you point out in this post - we need to show the greater crypto community that we do have direction and develop a differentiating factor from other blockchains that can "seemingly" do similar things.
So I've changed my perception that we "just' need to get the word out. That is obviously still important, but I think we also need a major PR overhaul with the crypto community to show what we are really capable of. I have my own ideas of how we could do this - but that's a conversation for another day!