I must be in the minority, i cant see why SPS and EIP cant be achieved, then continue on. Guess will see what the majority votes and trust their decision.
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but it seems likely that both the SPS and EIP will end up being included and released with HF21. Adding in the EIP changes will take additional work from the core development team to build, it will take additional time and effort to test, and the more changes you include the more chances there are for issues to happen.
I don't think all of that is worth it for something that I don't think will contribute in any meaningful way to achieving the vision of Steem that I outlined in the post. That is why I would prefer not to do it and instead focus that time and effort on things that will get us closer to our goals.
Exactly! Even in Steemit Inc’s original post about the EIP they told people they were not going to prioritize it and instead focus on SMTs, etc. But here we are all these weeks later and I feel Ike SMTs have taken a backseat ... again.
I hope you are correct that they are still moving forward with it in the background. I really hope that is the case. It seemed like we were only a few months away from a testnet in December before certain stuff hit the fan if you will. I know a lot of developers were let go but I hope we are not too far off. A new roadmap/sprint schedule would go a long way to ease my mind. Anyway, I am rambling now ...