Best regards @ijebest
Today you bring us a shocking story in irreverence. What a challenge it is to understand the instability and insecurity of your sister-in-law. The extended family is complex and sometimes tumultuous to understand each other, especially when boundaries are not respected. But you have been able to find the patience and the essence, from love, to understand her and give her her rightful place. Although their words are light, hurtful and lacking in kindness, on the contrary their behavior represented in their actions are supportive and in solidarity. Sometimes this type of people are frequent, I think that deep down, they seek to be noticed, by inner voids, to remember their presence assiduously, because in this way they claim attention and affection, which they lack.
Our thanks for your valuable contributions. Health and well-being !LUV !LADY
Saludos @ijebest
Hoy nos traes una historia impactante en irreverencia. Qué reto es entender la inestabilidad e inseguridad de tu cuñada. La familia extendida es compleja y a veces tumultuosa para entenderse, sobre todo cuando no se respetan los límites. Pero usted ha sabido encontrar la paciencia y la esencia, desde el amor, para comprenderla y darle el lugar que le corresponde. Si bien sus palabras son livianas, hirientes y carentes de bondad, por el contrario su comportamiento representado en sus acciones son solidarias y de apoyo. A veces este tipo de personas son frecuentes, creo que en el fondo, buscan hacerse notar, por vacíos interiores, para recordar su presencia asiduamente, porque de esta forma reclaman atención y afecto, del que carecen.
Nuestro agradecimiento por sus valiosas aportaciones. Salud y bienestar.