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RE: About Stock Images and Important Information. Please Read First

in Stock Images4 years ago

I would like to say a couple of things. When people hear "stock images" they assume it's about ...stock photos, the ones you download for free on websites like Pexels or Shutterstock. And we live in times where people often read just the title of an article. So, I suggest you consider a name change.

The idea to use "stock images" in the title as a requirement, also is not the best option in my humble opinion. Sure it can help the discovery of the posts but it also creates a false impression that these are low quality posts. The title should always be unique and hashtags be used instead.


It IS about stock photos and other art which creators are happy to have used as stock images. I'm not sure what you mean here.

Using that in the title is not a requirement, but a "recommendation". Most don't, because they are free to choose. It was suggested merely as a way for others to find such posts, because we're using the Hive interfaces and have to work with what we've got.

I'll add here that Stock Photos/Images aren't necessarily low quality, and paid Stock Photos are something companies compete for sometimes. Maybe the ones in Pexels/Unsplash aren't that high quality, but that's the reputation of these sites, if people post good content here, our reputation can become much better than theirs. (Dunno if that will happen, but there's a potential.)