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RE: Do You Support Trucker Protests Against Tyrannical Mandates and Police State?

in dPoll3 years ago

Protests Against Tyrannical Mandates and Police State?

The protests aren't against mandates or "police state" because if that was the case they wouldn't have gone to the capital at all.

The federal government does not have any control over the USA stopping unvaccinated drivers, and 90%+ of drivers are vaccinated anyway.

The federal government does not have control over provincial governments and their mandates.

If the federal government DID force policy changes, then that would be a breach of separations of powers, the opposite of what you claim they are asking for.

The same people blocking roads wanted the first nations shot by police for preventing an oil pipeline on their land. If these "truckers" were not white guys they would have never have been able to openly carry cans of gas, set up a sauna and block vital borders and hospital routes.