Cine TV contest: [Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)] my favorite actor

in CineTV2 years ago (edited)

It is really awesome to participate in the cine TV contest for the very first time which am more excited to participate and also posting in the community for the first time.

I came across this contest which I feel will be more interesting and exciting to participate and share my own actor that I love and appreciate every of his role and act in movies that really attract my attention in watching his movies.


My preferred choice of actor that I appreciate every of his character and role in movies is Dwayne Johnson better known as the Rock have been a better choice for me in the movie industry. The American actor and former WWE wrestler have been involved in several interesting movies that might interest you to watch with the likes of jumanji, jungle cruise, Hobbs and Shaw, Red notice and so many more interesting movies to watch from this actor.


Later this year by October 2022 the movie black Adam will be released with Dwayne Johnson been the major role in the movie that one wouldn't miss out to watch the interesting movie and what might really interest you to watch about this movie is the role he played as a super hero which I can't wait to see the movie released.

Dwayne Johnson to me plays a role in movies that really attracts people's attention in movies to watch, as a former wrestler and then showing something unique in movies is really awesome to appreciate his efforts in movies. He plays different characters in movies where people are always eager to watch what he has to offer.

I love his size, the way he talks, the jovial aspect because he is very funny in movies as well likewise playing important roles with actions involved in it. I have derive interest in watching Dwayne's movie since when I watched the movie scorpion king which was very interesting and exciting to watch.

What I really liked about Dwayne Johnson's movie is that he is always eager to achieve something at the end of the movie regardless of what it takes to see that happen which he has shown in some interesting movies like the movies I mention earlier when in disguise or dying to achieve that and this have really made me derive interest in watching his movies.

He has been my preferred choice in movies and that my entry for the contest.

To participate in the contest you can join with the link here


Great choice, I always love his smile :-)

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I love The Rock performance on Fast and Furious 5

Yeah he was awesome in the movie

 2 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you
! hivebits

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