This time round I’m quitting to save my health. That’s why this time I believe I can quit for good.
Crossing my fingers for you, Monika! 🤞🤞
I've smoked when I was younger, but you already know why... Back in my 18 yo I wanna make part of the group... And I must confess that I loved to roll up my Amsterdamer (pipe tobacco) in small and thin cigars - I had the touch to make them very quickly, and I enjoyed the ritual... Bu further more, 2 years passed, and I felt that I was getting caught by the addiction, so I left it in the moment. For me was very easy, since I wasn't a heavy smoker, and couple of year later, my father started chemotherapy, and I could never touch them.
Well, in resume, I wish you all the luck, and I believe that you are going to make it! In one week, you are going to fell much better, and starting to noticing in your skin ;)

Picture taken from