St. Stephen's Day Walk
I like traditions and a St. Stephen's Day Walk with the family is one of them. It can the farm, the beach, a forest, it doesn't matter, so long as we all get out and stretch our legs. This year it was a forest walk.
I guess we're lucky really with all of the walks that we have nearby. There are lots of forests like this dotted around where one can go for a nice tranquil walk.
This tree stood out more than most with all of those branches and my sons and I pondered over how old the tree might be.
New year's is all about New year's resolutions and I think for me this year one of my New year's resolutions will be to get out and walk more, for example go out and walk my dogs or go for a walk with my wife or a walk with the kids. I definitely want to get out into nature and get exercise more.
My sister and her husband go walking in these Woods regularly but we haven't really walked in them all that much. We have other woods near our house that we usually go to, but this forest has some great trails.
At this time of year, the forest floor tends to be carpeted with a deep covering of leaves which is really nice on the eye as you can see.
Our walk was about 6 kms altogether which was more than enough for our three young kids,especially our five-year old whose legs were getting very tired by the time we finished.
Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.
Peace Out