Off the coast, a glorious sunset cast a soft, lemony tinge over the horizon. Peach and gray clouds bolted across the sky as if averting a yet unknown terror. The air was thick with hysteria. In the distance strangers mingled; children and youths clung to their parents; adults pointed nervously toward the sky as several massive and dark apparitions hovered. Instantly, the surface shook with a vengeance. Simultaneously, mountains crumbled and waves rose up threatening to overtake the onlookers.
But it was the eerie, deafening sound of a hoarse voice emanating from the massive cloud that scattered the crowd. In all directions, they ran until their feet became entangled in the sturdy roots. They fell across each other in the open, laid bare by the swirling wind that shouted out over the water.
In the confusion, no one noticed the illuminated round tree glowing crimson that sat in shallow water off the shore.
Limbs shredded as the bush tore open. With hesitation, long, silver strands billowing in the breeze cut through the brush. Mercy's large round sunken eye sockets peered through the slit. The voice pierced her skull fully as she woke. Long, bony arms and fingers spread wide to catch the wind's roar.
Hicienth and Haciana, her twin protectors, wailed the song of the helpless lying below in the wilderness of despair. They delivered cries of a hundred souls that filled her senses.
No one could prevent her sleek frame, that had long lost its flesh, to gather the wrath of her fury. Fire lit up her chest cavity.
Stillness temporarily penetrated the wails.
Mercy rose from the flaming bush. Breaking through the tangled mess of twigs, her bowels expanded until her fiery gaze filled with righteous indignation.
Without regret, she thrust her bones forward knowing her entry into the world could cause pain. Considerable pain. But a necessary pain to those who perpetrated needless afflictions on others for the sake of forbidden pleasure.
For it was not of an outer world the massive being descended upon the Earth. The horror came from within, summoned by the vices for those who committed the crimes indulged.
As her mind caught a fleetingly consternation, she paused to consider, Is the world worthy of my sacrifice?
The inspiration for my mixed media project was a lovely skyline image of a glorious sunset overlooking a large, perfectly shaped tree transplanted in the river. The bush speaks of a hiding place for perhaps en entity or ethereal being who resides there. I created this mysterious tree with the assistance of Nvidia Gaugan.
Creating memorable landscape images is possible with Nvidia Gaugan. The software produces photo-realistic images from brushstrokes on a blank canvas. These images make perfect backgrounds for your projects.

To assist the background photo in developing my theme, I located a beautiful, but haunting image of a female skeleton in full flight. Pairing it with two pure fractals I created laid the foundation of my landscape.

To blend the images, I uploaded all into Canva, my design program. With the upgraded features available via my Annual Pro Membership Subscription, I as able to remove backgrounds, resize, reposition, colorize, duplicate, and apply filters.
Below are my procedures:

To a blank, white canvas, I added the Nvidia Gaugan bush and skyline image; resized it to fill the entire canvas as a background.

Added the bottom landscape and my pure fractals; resized and repositioned all. Added filtering to the landscape.

Added the flying witch.

Removed background of flying witch, repositioned it in the bush to resemble someone emerging.

Added the scary animal.

To scary animal, I resized, applied filter, then duplicated it for both sides of canvas. Completed project.
I present my completed project below:

Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you like my mixed media art project.

a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/
1 What is Stable Diffusion? StarryAI.Com. Online at: https://starryai.com/stable-diffusion