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RE: 5 minute freewrite 2603 prompt brand new canvas

in Freewriters2 months ago

The older ladies at my church are still Ms. Lilly.

The style had a reason ... post-integration, my people do not feel as much like every time we appear in public, we have to look four times as good than anyone else to even get human respect, AND, we are further from our African roots of ceremonial dress for ceremonial occasions. The latter is the actual root of the style.


Whatever the reason for them doing this, I admire them.

Miss Lilly was my mother's best friend for 50 years. Mom took it hard when she passed, she told me that in the 50 years, they never had cross words between them.

Real friends are so hard to find ... so glad both your mother and Ms. Lilly had that, against the odds of their time. God is GOOD, all the time!