What's Done In the Dark (Part 2) - Freewrite: 12/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

in Freewriterslast year

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest


For months, Daniel's encounter with the mysterious sounds waffling toward him from deep down Incantata Road persisted. His parents unrelenting denial frustrated him. As his nightmares increased, he discontinued reading his favorite sci-fi comics in hopes that it would ease his heightened tension. His only venture outside was back and forth to school. No getting around that.

But when forced to venture outside, he risked coming in contact with the face or faces behind the voices emanating from the woods down the path leading to Incantata Road.

Will his parents realize the truth before it's too late to save their son?

Now, Part 2


It was Friday, and school was out for the weekend. Although Daniel was in no hurry for the day to end, not boarding the bus to return home wasn't an option. Swaying over the bumpy road and braking intermittently by the driver in his attempt to calm his rumbustious classmates overshadowed the voices ringing deep within his ear. The distinct voices registered clearly in his mind from that morning and surely awaiting him on his return. All he could wish for was that Rocky would be also waiting.

As he did that morning, he gazed straight ahead as the bus traveled back down the highway toward home. Each road sign marked a louder thump in his chest as the bus neared his drop off point.

The road leading to his home. Also the path to Incantata County Road.

"I've been assigned to join you and Andy on the science project. Has he contacted you? The assignment is due on Monday. It's already Friday evening. Perhaps we can get started on the first part this afternoon if you're not busy? I've prepared notes," the tall, well-rounded girl directed at Daniel.

When he didn't respond, she tugged at his shoulder causing him to look up with a stunned frown. On any other school day, he would have ignored the somewhat loud, bold, and demanding girl named Bershia. The one with dark, shoulder length shiny hair that smelled of roses who lived a half mile down the road from him.

But today, he welcomed her company as her words drowned out the noisy bus. What was she proposing, to sit next to him? No, no. the class assignment. He admitted to himself that wasn't the sharpest in science; neither was Andy, his best friend, which is probably why their teacher placed her in their midst...to assure a non-failing grade at semester's end.

A bit intimidating to most in his grade level, he had to admit she was the smartest student at their school. Well, she may be smart and a know-it-all, but Daniel knew a secret she didn't.

Staring as though an apparition had appeared, he watched speechless as she pointed to the empty seat next to him, didn't wait for an answer, then plopped down and chatted nonstop.

The wind had no intention of diminishing, but whipped up through tree branches on the left side of the highway. A stormy day, the light rain fell steadily. He wondered how much water had drained down Incantata County Road.

Somewhere between Bershia sitting and the driver stopping at his drop off, she booked a study session with Daniel. Of course, once she located Andy at the back of the bus, he'd been invited.

By the time all three exited the bus, Daniel and Andy were well on their way to becoming Bershia's newest best friends. It didn't hurt that she offered to complete three-fourths of the class assignment. Why waste a perfectly good head-start with notes and bullet-point solutions to the questions for them both.

So animated they were at their assignment almost completed by Saturday that Daniel forgot about the voices down Incantata County Road.

That is, until he spotted Rocky barking and running in circles in the rain as if chasing an invisible toy.


Unlocking his bike from the rack, Daniel pedaled while Bershia and Andy walked briskly beside him with Rocky out front. In no time, Rocky was barking uncotrollably as they neared the side road. Hands shaking, he paused, then looked at his companions, face flushed. He glanced at Rocky attempting to calm him, but to no avail. He waited for his friends to notice.

Busy talking about the assignment, they shooed Rocky in an effort to quiet him. Daniel couldn't take it any longer. Pointing down Incantata County Road, he yelled, "don't you guys hear that eerie noise coming from that direction?

"What noise?" Andy responded, frowning.

"Quiet," Bershia snickered, her eyes full of merriment. Instantly, she grabbed at Daniel's shirt. "Afraid of the wind? I wouldn't have guessed."

"No, Bershia. You don't understand," Daniel pleaded. "There is evil down that road. No one lives there. It's haunted."

"Nonsense. I do believe in the afterlife, but in the here and now, ghosts don't play the harmonica. There is always a reasonable explanation."

"Harmonica! How can you tell?" Puzzled, Daniel couldn't apply a musical instrument to the horrible sounds, no screams, he'd heard emanating from down the road.

"Seriously? I am the best in my band class guys. I know instruments. C'mon we're wasting time. Let's get this mystery put to bed so that we can get on with our science project. Daniel, you run get your parents. Andy and I will investigate!" She shouted to the boys, one who stood in the middle of the road on his bike with half dollar eyes, transfixed as if paralyzed.

Bershia didn't want to do it, but she had to take control of the situation she now found her entangled. So she slapped Daniel. Not hard. Just enough to reel him in from wherever he'd retreated.

With dazed eyes, Daniel shook off his confusion.

Rearing back, he ordered Rocky to stay with Bershia and Andy, then sped off on his bike like lightning toward his house with the misty rain trickling down his face. Tossing off his wet strands, he laughed with an abandon he'd not experience in a long time all the while thinking, thanks, Bershia, then wondering how he would repay her.

[to be continued]


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a weather condition that isn't favorable for travelers:

Describe what you see.
A light but steady rain drips on a paved road. A large puddle is beginning to form. If one is not careful, he or she may accidentally run over an object in the road that is dangerous, such as a deep dip. To the right a fence protects an owner's property. To the left of the road, trees appear to line it. Also, rain appears to be draining off the main road onto a side road perhaps.

Describe what you feel.
An accident waiting to happen if one traveling the road is not careful. This is especially true if you can't see how deep the puddle in the road is. I feel as though an unusual event occurred on this stretch of the road.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 12/1/23.

Image used with permission of contest owner


For your convenience, I have included below a Spanish translation from DeepL for "What's Done In The Dark (Part 2)" Freewrite: 12/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

! [Whats Done In The Dark Spanish Translation]

Image source provided by @freewritehouse for purpose of contest

Lo que se hace en la oscuridad (2ª parte)

*Durante meses, el encuentro de Daniel con los misteriosos sonidos que se dirigían hacia él desde lo más profundo de Incantata Road persistió. La negativa implacable de sus padres le frustraba. A medida que aumentaban sus pesadillas, dejaba de leer sus cómics de ciencia ficción favoritos con la esperanza de que le aliviaran la tensión. Su única aventura al aire libre era ir y venir de la escuela. No hay forma de evitarlo.

Pero cuando se veía obligado a salir, se arriesgaba a entrar en contacto con el rostro o rostros detrás de las voces que emanaban del bosque por el camino que llevaba a Incantata Road.

¿Se darán cuenta sus padres de la verdad antes de que sea demasiado tarde para salvar a su hijo?

Ahora, Parte 2


Era viernes y el fin de semana no había colegio. Aunque Daniel no tenía prisa por que acabara el día, no subir al autobús para volver a casa no era una opción. El balanceo sobre la carretera llena de baches y los frenazos intermitentes del conductor en su intento de calmar a sus alborotados compañeros de clase eclipsaron las voces que resonaban en lo más profundo de su oído. Las distintas voces registradas claramente en su mente desde aquella mañana y que seguramente le esperaban a su regreso. Lo único que deseaba era que Rocky también le estuviera esperando.

Como aquella mañana, miró al frente mientras el autobús recorría la autopista en dirección a casa. Cada señal de tráfico marcaba un golpe más fuerte en su pecho a medida que el autobús se acercaba a su punto de bajada.

La carretera que llevaba a su casa. También el camino a la carretera del condado de Incantata.

"Me han asignado para unirme a ti y a Andy en el proyecto de ciencias. ¿Se ha puesto en contacto contigo? La asignación se debe el lunes. Ya es viernes por la tarde. ¿Quizás podamos empezar con la primera parte esta tarde si no estás ocupado? He preparado apuntes ", le dijo a Daniel la chica alta y bien formada.

Cuando él no respondió, ella le tiró del hombro, haciéndole levantar la vista con el ceño fruncido. En cualquier otro día de clase, habría ignorado a aquella chica algo gritona, atrevida y exigente llamada Bethany. La que tenía el pelo oscuro y brillante hasta los hombros y olía a rosas y vivía a un kilómetro de él.

Pero hoy, agradecía su compañía mientras sus palabras ahogaban el ruidoso autobús. ¿Qué le proponía, sentarse a su lado? No, no. La tarea de clase. Se admitió a sí mismo que no era el más listo en ciencias; tampoco lo era Andy, su mejor amigo, que probablemente era la razón por la que su profesor la colocó entre ellos... para asegurarse una nota no suspensa al final del semestre.

Un poco intimidante para la mayoría en su nivel de grado, tuvo que admitir que ella era la estudiante más inteligente en su escuela. Bueno, podría ser inteligente y sabelotodo, pero Daniel sabía un secreto que ella no.

Con la mirada fija, como si hubiera aparecido una aparición, observó sin habla cómo ella le señalaba el asiento vacío de al lado, no esperaba respuesta, se dejaba caer y charlaba sin parar.

El viento no tenía intención de amainar, pero azotaba entre las ramas de los árboles del lado izquierdo de la autopista. Un día tormentoso, la ligera lluvia caía sin cesar. Se preguntó cuánta agua había escurrido por la carretera del condado de Incantata.

En algún momento entre que Bethany se sentó y el conductor se detuvo en su casa, ella reservó una sesión de estudio con Daniel. Por supuesto, una vez que localizó a Andy en la parte trasera del autobús, le habían invitado.

Para cuando los tres salieron del autobús, Daniel y Andy estaban en camino de convertirse en los nuevos mejores amigos de Bethany. Además, ella se ofreció a completar tres cuartas partes de la tarea de clase. Por qué desperdiciar un buen comienzo con notas y soluciones a las preguntas para los dos.

Tan animados estaban en su tarea casi terminada el sábado que Daniel se olvidó de las voces que bajaban por Incantata County Road.

Hasta que vio a Rocky ladrando y corriendo en círculos bajo la lluvia como si persiguiera un juguete invisible.


Desbloqueando su bicicleta del portaequipajes, Daniel pedaleó mientras Bershia y Andy caminaban a paso ligero a su lado con Rocky delante. En un santiamén, Rocky ladraba sin parar mientras se acercaban a la carretera secundaria. Con las manos temblorosas, se detuvo y miró a sus compañeros, con el rostro enrojecido. Miró a Rocky intentando calmarlo, pero fue en vano. Esperó a que sus amigos se dieran cuenta.

Ocupados en hablar de la misión, espantaron a Rocky en un esfuerzo por calmarlo. Daniel no pudo soportarlo más. Señalando hacia la carretera del condado de Incantata, gritó: "¿No oís ese ruido espeluznante que viene de esa dirección?

"¿Qué ruido?" respondió Andy, frunciendo el ceño.

"Silencio ", se rió Bershia, con los ojos llenos de alegría. Al instante, se agarró a la camisa de Daniel. *"¿Miedo al viento? No me lo habría imaginado".

"No, Bershia. No lo entiendes", suplicó Daniel. "Hay maldad en ese camino. Nadie vive allí. Está embrujada".

*"Tonterías. Creo en el más allá, pero aquí y ahora, los fantasmas no tocan la armónica. Siempre hay una explicación razonable".

"¡La armónica! ¿Cómo puedes saberlo?" Desconcertado, Daniel no podía aplicar un instrumento musical a los horribles sonidos, nada de gritos, que había oído emanar carretera abajo.

"¿En serio? Soy el mejor de mi clase de banda, chicos. Conozco los instrumentos. Vamos, estamos perdiendo el tiempo. Vamos a poner este misterio a la cama para que podamos seguir con nuestro proyecto de ciencias. Daniel, ve a buscar a tus padres. Andy y yo investigaremos ", les gritó a los chicos, uno de los cuales se quedó parado en medio de la carretera en su bicicleta, con los ojos como medio dólar, paralizado.

Bershia no quería hacerlo, pero tenía que tomar el control de la situación en la que ahora se encontraba enredada. Así que abofeteó a Daniel. No con fuerza. Sólo lo suficiente para sacarlo de donde se había retirado.

Con ojos aturdidos, Daniel se sacudió la confusión.

Se echó hacia atrás, ordenó a Rocky que se quedara con Bershia y Andy, y luego salió en su bicicleta como un rayo hacia su casa, con la lluvia empañada resbalándole por la cara. Se sacudió los mechones mojados y se rió con un desenfreno que no había experimentado en mucho tiempo, mientras pensaba: "Gracias, Bershia", y luego se preguntaba cómo se lo pagaría.



Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de una condición climática que no es favorable para los viajeros:

Describa lo que ve
Una lluvia ligera pero constante gotea sobre una carretera asfaltada. Empieza a formarse un gran charco. Si uno no tiene cuidado, puede atropellar accidentalmente un objeto peligroso en la calzada, como una hondonada profunda. A la derecha, una valla protege la propiedad. A la izquierda de la carretera, los árboles parecen bordearla. Además, la lluvia parece escurrirse por la carretera principal hacia un camino lateral, tal vez.

Describe lo que sientes
Un accidente a punto de ocurrir si no se tiene cuidado. Esto es especialmente cierto si no puedes ver la profundidad del charco en la carretera. Tengo la sensación de que en este tramo de la carretera se ha producido un hecho insólito.

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para:
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 12/1/23.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



A harmonica? Looking forward to read the rest of the (scary) story.

Well, that was Ms. Know-It-All's theory...and she knows music, as I understand. We'll see!

Thanks for your visit and support. I appreciate it.

@wakeupkitty! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

A thrilling story. Thanks for sharing it with the community. 👍

I'm pleased you think so and for your support.

Take care.

@freewritehouse! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (10/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Ohhhh dear this was so so nice my !Lady, I was literally hooked from start to finish😃

Hello @ibbtammy. I love that you found my short story mysterious and interesting and am pleased you liked it. Let's see what Daniel and his friends discover down the road. I hope it's nothing sad or horrible.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.

@ibbtammy! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

This was an interesting read. I haven't seen the first part but with the brief recap and the continuation, Ive gotten a wrap of the intriguing plot. And I love it.

I look forward to the continuation.


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Hi @wongi. Thanks so much for your visit. I'm pleased you found my short story interesting. Yes, Daniel now has help in figuring out the strange noise originating from down the road near his home. Let's see what he discovers with his friends, and if his parents will finally believe him.

I appreciate your support. Take care.

@wongi! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (5/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Have a lovely day.

You too, @wongi.

I saw water one the floor. It is looking slushy and dirty. It shows that rain fell
And what do I feel?
I feel everywhere will be cold there

What an interesting observation @rafzat. If you want to participate in the Pic1000 challenge, just follow the link in my post to the FreewriteHouse challenge post and join in following the directions in that post to write your story.

Take care.

This was so spooky but fun. How can the rest not hear the voices carried by the wind. Or is Daniel destined to see ghosts

Daniel may be destined to hear what others can't. We'll find out soon.

Yes please, I can't wait to read what happens next.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 189 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!