Thank you for the compliment 😘
Oh, the food was surprisingly delicious. We usually don't eat out in The Netherlands as it's disappointing, but this restaurant was great.
Sending lots of hugs! Have a lovely afternoon!
Thank you for the compliment 😘
Oh, the food was surprisingly delicious. We usually don't eat out in The Netherlands as it's disappointing, but this restaurant was great.
Sending lots of hugs! Have a lovely afternoon!
You're welcome.
You know, when we decide to eat at a restaurant we try beforehand to read at least some of the reviews but there are occasions when we actually choose a restaurant at random.
I have to admit that I've had some bad experiences at very famous restaurants.
Hugs from picturesque Romania!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend (I'll be gone until Tuesday and won't have access to my laptop).