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That is crazy!
Normally in Finland it would be covered by the state, but only after 2 months of testing cheaper alternatives, something that the specialist said she didn't want to do. Our private insurance wouldn't cover it as it was classed as food, not medicine.

Is everything okay now?

 5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Good to hear. Sometimes I wonder what impacts these very young events have on kids, but of course it is an unknown. I remember nights at the hospital (she was in the ICU for the first two weeks) thinking if she will somehow remember all the needles and tests.

Perhaps it makes for a good superhero origin story though :)

I hope my daughter won't be taller than me, but given mine and my wife's height, it isn't going to take much effort for her to tower over us...

I hope my daughter won't be taller than me, but given mine and my wife's height, it isn't going to take much effort for her to tower over us...

There is one aspect in which she will probably tower over many.

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