Introducing LeoStrategy (LSTR) | A Hive-Based Vehicle to Buy LEO

in LeoFinance4 months ago

LeoStrategy is a Hive blockchain-based vehicle that acquires LEO and aims to generate a LEO Yield of 10-20% annually to create accretive value for LSTR holders. All LEO acquired is instantly staked as LEO POWER in the @leostrategy account. The goal is to increase the LEO-denominated value of circulating LSTR tokens.

TLDR; If you are familiar with Microstrategy, Michael Saylor and their strategy to permanently acquire more Bitcoin, then you can apply that logic to LeoStrategy. LeoStrategy and our LSTR tokenized fund aim to be the "Microstrategy of LEO".

What follows is our reasoning for the fund, our strategy and economics behind LSTR.


  • Long-Term Value Appreciation: LeoStrategy believes in the long-term appreciation potential of LEO due to its limited supply (50M Tokens), increasing adoption of the INLEO Social Ecosystem and revenue capture models
  • Forward-Thinking Strategic Partnerships: It's no secret that the LEO Team knows how to make a deal. They've connected themselves with Thorchain's community & leadership. They've also connected themselves with Maya Protocol's leadership, which led to a listing of LEO on one of the largest Cross-Trading DEXes. Most recently they have announced a partnership with the Dash Team to bring all of Dash's userbase to the Hive blockchain and INLEO Platform. They've also just announced on the AMA this Tuesday that partnerships with Maya and Thorchain are underway to do the same and bring their entire communities as well
  • Relentless Development: The INLEO team has developed in a space where most projects fall completely flat. For 5 years, INLEO has innovated their way to the top and become the #1 social media platform in crypto. There is no doubt in our minds that the innovation will continue


A maximum of 1,000,000 LSTR can ever exist. At launch, we are releasing 100,000 tokens at $1 per LSTR. This $100,000 will be used to buy LEO, stake it as LEO POWER and seed the initial LSTR Fund.

  1. 1,000,000 LSTR Max Supply
  2. 100,000 at $1 per token is now available. Tribaldex | Beeswap

Tokens can be released via our "ATM Strategy". This strategy mirrors Michael Saylor and MSTR's "At-The Market Offerings" of Microstrategy stock that they issue to strategically acquire more Bitcoin for their treasury.

Our treasury strategy will operate with similar at-the market offerings. When market conditions are favorable, we will tap our ATM strategy to issue LSTR, raise capital and purchase more LEO.

For example, if LSTR acquires $100k worth of LEO at $0.05 average per LEO and begins generating accretive value on this LEO. Then the price of LEO 2x's to $0.10 per share, then LSTR's fund will have 100,000 LSTR issued and be worth at least $2 (likely more due to speculative value + earning LEO yield and restaking). This additional value is capitalized on to tap our ATM strategy and acquire more LEO for the fund.

Additional Income Sources

100% of additional income will be used to purchase LEO, stake it as LEO POWER and generate accretive value for LSTR shareholders.

  1. Blog Posting on INLEO & Hive - regular blog posts about LSTR, our predictions about the LEO market, etc. - will generate HIVE/HBD/LEO rewards which will all be converted to LEO and staked for LEO POWER
  2. Threads - regular content will be published on Threads about the LSTR fund performance, metrics, predictions about LEO, etc.
  3. Creator Subscription - in the future, we may launch a Creator Subscription which can provide a newsletter / private insight into our analysis and predictions about LEO

Benefiting LEO

It's no secret that the success of LeoStrategy is based on the success of LEO. We'll aim to use our massively growing stack of LEO tokens in order to take positive actions for the INLEO Ecosystem.

LeoStrategy will conduct itself to be of maximal benefit to the LEO token economy and LEO token holders. Thus, our curation will focus on users who benefit the platform and don't sell LEO. We will also be looking for curators who can help us curate with our LEO POWER stake actively on Threads.

We believe threads are currently underrewarded on the INLEO platform. We will use our stake of LEO to change this and ensure that those who are actively engaging on the platform, staking LEO and generally being positive actors are rewarded heavily with more LEO.


  • LSTR Dilution: Issuing new LSTR increases the total number of LSTR in the circulating supply. This can dilute the ownership percentage of existing LSTR holders. However, the potential appreciation of LEO could offset the dilution by increasing the overall value of LSTR's LEO holdings
  • Max Supply: A max supply of 1M LSTR has been set. No more than 1M LSTR can ever be issued. The real way to measure market cap and existing values is to look at the circulating supply of LSTR. This circulating supply can be increased through the issuance of new tokens
  • Issuance of Tokens: Issuance of new LSTR can and will be done with at-the-market offerings. Setting a sale price on tokens to raise capital which will then buy the LEO token for LSTR's treasury
  • Market Volatility & Risk Management: LEO's price can be highly volatile. LeoStrategy mitigates this risk through having a long-term investment horizon and avoiding the need to liquidate holdings during downturns through permanent capital
  • Why Would Anyone Want LSTR?: LSTR is a leveraged exposure product to the LEO token. The initial cap raise + earnings model will create leveraged exposure to the LEO Token. It also allows holders to have leveraged exposure to LEO combined with accretive yield on LEO POWER without any staking period (LEO has a 28 day staking period).

LSTR is Now Available for a Limited Time

This will be our only major offering of LSTR. Any future offerings will be tapping the ATM strategy and other forms of raises. Once this 100,000 LSTR is sold, the issuance of new LSTR will be randomized and much smaller in order to raise capital strategically.

Once this LSTR is sold out, there will be no new sales of LSTR outside of the ATM strategy.

  1. 100,000 LSTR at $1 per share is now available
  2. These will be the only LSTR available until all $100k is used to purchase LEO, stake it and begin our accretive value strategy
  3. These LSTR will be available for 30 days. Once 30 days passes or the 100k LSTR is sold out (whichever comes first), LSTR will be solely a peer-to-peer marketplace until our ATM strategy begins

You can buy LSTR now for a limited time:

  1. Beeswap ->
  2. TribalDEX ->

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Who is behind this? How are you guys being this gullible to a random post from an unknown entity that you're just going to trust them on a trustless system with giving them hive and thinking they'll do what they say they will. I'm a bit confused here.

Here's a comment we made elsewhere that covers this (along with other similar comments / threads you can find on our account).

We are a collective of large LEO stakeholders who wanted to see a leveraged LEO ETF created. We will run this as we please and don't claim anything above and beyond that.

We are fully transparent and all of our transactions are on chain. If you don't trust it nor want to be involved in it, then don't buy it - the same as you can buy native BTC instead of MSTR if you don't want the leveraged exposure / third-party risk


kk, wouldn't hurt mentioning that somewhere in the post. If it's a collective of people leo stakeholders here trust it would be better for your own project's trust as well rather than not mentioning anything and in the comments it seeming like no one really knows "who is behind it".

That's good feedback. We'll make sure to mention it in the next post

Thank you!

that's rich coming from you

I am curious to see what will be the impact of LSTR on LEO's price.



Mega positive

Sounds interesting. I got myself 2 and will gradually add more.

Hi, @solymi,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.


I guess when I said this, some of you took it to heart 🦁

This is cool to see. I'll buy a some LSTR and see how this performs. Hope to see the idea of a leveraged LEO product work in the long-run


This is a really great Project.

Thank you! We'll be contributing to the LEO ecosystem as our interest aligns specifically with $LEO Token Holders.

Curation is just one way we'll be doing this

That’s awesome. I need to buy more $LEO


What this ?

Some questions to consider when investing in a project. See my comment reply to acid's Snap

I think it’s a new Leo project ???

i don't think it is anything to do with InLeo, as Khal has not claimed to be behind it.

You might also be interested in #leostrategy's reply to my concerns & my subsequent reply:

@asgarth, #feedback, you see here i have copied link to a more recent reply since offgridlife's reply to me as he/she would very unlikely not have seen it without a subscription feature. Again i emphasise how much comment engagement coyld be vastly increased with a subscribe to thread feature. Please give this strong consideration and ask me if anything is not clear. Thankyou.

 3 months ago Reveal Comment


 3 months ago Reveal Comment

You didn't really need to spam it, tho.

Well, maybe you're right, i rarely do something like this, but occasionally i do if i think it's important. A "subscribe to thread" feature would do away with the need to do so (and likely vastly increase comment engagement in Hive). i've requested such a feature before, and am requesting again here:

and here:

Can you see what i mean about how engagement would be increased?


This is a great move and nice to see another project tap into the InLeo tokenomy. We are doomed to rise beyond our expectations in this bull market, so I think the timing for this is quite great.

LEO will reach a $250M valuation over the next 5 years

This is not even close to priced in at the current $2.5M FDV. LEO is so underestimated

This will be a very cool idea if it pans out

You have my support:

Thanks Khal!

Your support means a lot. We're going to make this leveraged product a massively positive force for good on INLEO

We are the Microstrategy of LEO

Do you know the person behind this?

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Buy. Moar. LEO!!!!!


Oh my God LSTR is cooking hugely. I love this productive notification for a novice like me.

Intriguing approach!... How will you maintain liquidity?
Leo's growth is substantial. This could be a smart play.

We will not need liquid funds

The goal is to increase our amount of staked LEO by any and all means

Cool, I bought a few tokens.

With the pace that LEO has been growing recently, it could grow to the same level as HIVE itself.

I agree!

Awesome. MSTR has been one of my best investments over the past 5 years.


Good initiative, good luck running the project. I bought some tokens, we will see where that goes.

I think I like ya :)

Who is behind leostrategy?

Is it a multi-signature account, and if so who are the signatories?

Tell us how leostrategy is secure from a rug-pull.


LeoStrategy mirrors Microstrategy

In very much the same way that Michael Saylor controls Microstrategy and has a mandate to buy as much BTC as possible, LeoStrategy has the same control and mandate to buy as much LEO as possible

This is not a multi-sig nor DAO structure nor does it claim to be that.

This is a leverage strategy to build as big of a LEO position as possible. Buy LSTR to gain leveraged exposure to $LEO.

We don't claim anything above and beyond that. If you don't like it or don't trust our mandate, then don't buy LSTR. It's that simple

But who is we?

Potential investors should at least know reputation of founder(s) if the projection is centralized, which it is, by your reply.

Of course users can still choose to invest without knowing founders for a centralised project, but at least they should be warned of the risks.

For example, you could make a statement saying something like:

Investment Risk
#LeoStrategy is a centralised project. The @leostrategy account keys are held by a single user who wishes to remain anonymous (if that is so), so there is a definite risk that there could be a rug-pull causing loss of all funds.

@asgarth, #feedback, can we please have a feature whereby we can subscribe to a post and/or comment so we can be notified of further replies. i think this option could vastly increase user engagement.

@ecency offers this option partially, by booknarking a post or comment, but really it's bookmark and subscribe. i think it would be better if these are separated so users realise the option. What i did here is copy link to @acidyo's re. his and my concerns as a reply to each of the previous commenters so they are aware of the concerns. This is a clumsy workaround though, adding unnecessary comments to the chain. It would be very good for increased engagement if when commenting, a user is automatically subscribed (like Fakebook does) with option not to subscribe in settings, but still having pop-up befire posting asking if user wishes to subscribe to the post (or comment) to which they are replying with choice to subscribe or not to furtjer replies amd additional choice to subscribe to further replies to those comments. Understand?

Bookmarking is same as subscribing in this use case, no? You want to be notified when there is new reply and bookmarking does that already, term is different but use case is same. You want to know parent post replies or other threads you bookmark that. We can make it more easier to use perhaps?! 🤔

i will think about this and reply later

INLEO already has bookmarking

i was talking about subscribing to a post or comment.
Ecency & PeakD also have bookmarking.

Are you going to address the first part of my comment?

Yes, read other replies because it was answered

Thanks, i found the comment with the answer, and see you will be stating this in next post.

Good Luck with this project.
It's great to see people building on the platform, and even better to see innovative ideas, even if patterned after another like microstrategy they are still new ideas on HIve.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@rzc24-nftbbg(2/5) tipped @leostrategy
danzocal tipped leostrategy

 4 months ago Reveal Comment