What I like about Hive vs. Steem:
- Hive does not have to trust that Steemit, Inc stake will not be used to vote on DPoS governance nor will be dumped on the open market (while Steem has already seen Stinc stake used to vote on DPoS governance and JSun has stated publicly he wants to dump Stinc stake on open market)
- Hive has a large team of developers already committed to working on the chain and an inclusive approach that is yielding more community developers committing to work on the project daily; while Steem has no developers at all (even counting Tron developers, Tron chain is a Java implementation and to the best of my knowledge JSun and Tron team do not have any C++ developers who could work on Steem blockchain)
- The Steem name has always been a terrible name from a branding / marketing standpoint with obvious confusion point RE Steam gaming platform
- The purchase of Steemit Inc by Justin Sun has only added to negative connotations surrounding Steem naming, as JSun is "controversial" at best descriptor and a con man by nearly universal acclaim in the crypto space
2 URL choices: would be my choice of the URLs presented to have some continuity with prior naming and branding. Not convinced it is the absolute best choice. Beesocial might be another suggestion, it has a nice ring and fits with Hive naming without directly aping it, although I see there are some other businesses with that name (though none directly in this space I think). is available, is for sale for relatively reasonable price ($4.7k)
I would prefer your witness to be on Hive. To be perfectly honest, anyone thinking of trying to support/use both chains is IMO doing a disservice to the community. Please anyone reading this, do not add value to the old Steem chain. Don't use it, don't run a witness for it, just dump your Steem tokens and leave JSun to play with his dumpster fire and worthless stake.