Hey, @steempeak / @jarvie, et al:
Here are my answers to your questions—
If there's a way to crosspost to both chains, that would be good for me (not sure how others would feel about that, though). However, if I have to choose one, then I think HIVE, for the simple reason that STEEM is likely to become TRONitized at some point, barring some major about face.
I like the idea that HIVE can start out more decentralized than STEEM. Whether it will actually be that way from the beginning, or stay that way, we'll have to wait and see.
I actually think for all the reasons you said you would rebrand, that doing away with SteemPeak.com is for the best.
I'm not really fond of any of the choices, so I'm going straight to OTHER with a suggestion:
—Someone has already mentioned something like beepeak.com (or what might be reasonably available). I like the idea better of beespeak.net or whatever. It has the advantage of going with HIVE, but also potentially being independent, and the word bespeak has some interesting (and some fitting) definitions. It could be considered bee-sPEAK, or bees-PEAK,either of which works great for what you are and what you want to be. PEAK remains prominent in the new name in either case, so you don't have to do a complete logo overhaul. :)
If you really want to do a witness, I feel like there's a better chance of being a consensus witness there than on STEEM, the way things are looking now.
There are all kinds of concerns regarding the TRON takeover of the STEEM blockchain and now the impending hard fork. No easy answers, a lot of unknowns, and plenty of hard feelings all around. So, yeah, all kinds of concerns. Not entirely sure what to do about any of them other than to watch both chains and see where they go after Friday morning.
I do wish you luck, regardless of what you do. I think you've been a great, innovative addition to the STEEM blockchain, and have ambitious but achievable goals for the future. The trick is always moving forward, without getting ahead of yourself, or forgetting what (or who) got you to where you are in the first place. I hope to see all the improvements you're planning in the not so distant future.