Technology is not a neutral word and does not have any definite definition. Meaning of technology depends on the perception of different people on specific context .
Technology in very generic word, is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the manufacturing process of goods or services.
So its the knowledge of techniques,work flow or processes, etc. or even we can apply technology in the development of machines (Both mechanical and automatic), so that it can be operated by any operator (even unskilled), without knowing the detailed knowledge of the complex stuff behind manufacturing of the machine.
Means technology produce a stuff, that helps a normal person (who knows nothing about the technology) to work with that. Think of a vacuum cleaner, do you know what technology behind that small machine ???
No, but you can get your work done. It applies from small remote car to aeroplane.
Now we can derive a new definition for technology from the above example ....
Technology can be defined as a product and processes used to simplify our lives by providing ease of doing things...
Even technology can be differentiated by the means of engineering it use.
Like technology in the field of a rector, is something can be related to electrical engineering and also chemical engineering, while a new innovation in coding will use the power of information technology.
Please comment your understanding on technology.