Last summer my family and I traveled around the country a little. I took a lot of photos on this trip. And I want to share them.
Sailing between the spit of Vasilyevsky Island and the island on which the Peter and Paul Fortress is located, we found ourselves not far from the Birzhevoy Bridge. The Malaya Neva River passes through this bridge. And not far from the bridge there is this ship. I don't know what this ship is actually called. There is a "restaurant" sign at the stern of the ship. There really is a restaurant there, and perhaps more than one. So, apparently, one restaurant there is called the Flying Dutchman. Moreover, there was once a fitness club there. In general, I don’t know if this ship is afloat, but it is a local landmark and looks great both from the river and from the shore.
I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it.