Last summer my family and I traveled around the country a little. I took a lot of photos on this trip. And I want to share them.
Sailing along the Kronverk Strait we observed the surroundings. The Kronver Strait itself is a canal dug around the fortress to increase its inaccessibility during hostilities. It must be said that the Peter and Paul Fortress on Hare Island is the historical beginning of the future city of St. Petersburg. This is where it all started.
And on the other side of the fortress we observed the territory and buildings of the Artillery Museum on the shore. One of these red brick buildings is shown in the photo.
And of course, the photo included another view of the Peter and Paul Fortress and the Peter and Paul Cathedral.
Below under the photo I have added a map of our route. On the map I marked the approximate points from where I took the photographs shown in my previous posts and in this post.
And below I have added a gif in which you can see several photos from my previous posts in this series.
I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it.