Last summer my family and I traveled around the country a little. I took a lot of photos on this trip. And I want to share them.

Having sailed under the Palace Bridge, we began to go around the spit of Vasilyevsky Island. In the first photo you can again see one of the Rostral columns. To the left is the yellow building that houses the Zoological Museum. And then there is a light building with a dome on top. This building houses another museum - the Kunstkamera. This museum is known to many for its collection of anatomical rarities and anomalies.
The second photo clearly shows the snow-white columns of the Exchange building. The building is so called because it was intended for St. Petersburg during its construction. However, since the beginning of the 20th century, the building has been used for other purposes. For the most part, it housed museums. When I visited it as a child, there was a Naval Museum there.
And in the third photo I managed to capture from the water and cover in one frame that very part of Vasilievsky Island, which is called the arrow. This is the cape of the island, on which there is a beautiful park and walking area. On the left side the Bolshaya Neva River (Big Neva) runs along the island, and on the right is another part of the river, called the Malaya Neva (Little Neva).
I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it.