in MCGI Cares Hive3 months ago

There are two different types of man, these include, the outward man and the inward man. A Christian man is different from worldly man. Our outward man is our flesh that can be felt but the inward man is our inner being. The outward man perishes while the inward man are renewed day by day. The outward man are flesh and material things while the inward man is spiritual. The inward man and the outward man are different. We have to look not at the things we can see but at the things we can not see. For a man who is of God has two being the outward and inward man. Things we can see are temporal while the thing that are not seen are internal.

There are two kinds of man. One is an inward man who his inner man is a true man,while the outside man is the one who his inner man is a beast. Beware of false prophet that comes to you in form of sheep but inside them they are wolves in sheep clothes,they are beasts inside. A beast which is the outward man are like a dog who returns to his vomit. For it is said in the bible as a dog returns to his vomit so as fool returns to his folly.

The inward man feels delighted and joy in the law of God. While the outward man do not feel any delighted,the hate the law of God example is the theists. There are men who are man inward and also man outward these are the type of men apostle John called the inner man. This is very bad such a husband is a beast they are example of outward man. Also the commandment of God is for us to love our wives. But there are some men who hate their wives because they have another woman outside. Man don't suppose to be evil because it was created in the image of God. A man means a creature created after the image of is a creature that is not evil.

Some bible passages
Mattew 7:15
Romans 12:22
II Peters 2:22
II Corinthians 4:16


We should end endeavor to refresh the inward man which is our spirit man.

A Christian is truly different from a worldly man,While the Christian is borne of the spirit, the worldly man is of the flesh.

We are developing our inward man through the word of God