Hazy Jane
Ye are well used to my Beer Saturday plaudits for Hazy Jane, well Punk IPA is another from the Brewdog stable, and it's another beer I like. If I'm honest, it's not as nice as Hazy Jane, but not bad nonetheless.
As I was saying, I've been on a healthy buzz for the past six weeks or so. Lots of salads like these have been on the menu here in Galway for me.
Everything in Moderation
Like I always say everything in moderation. I'm on a health buzz, avoiding bread and sugar as much as possible, but every now and again I allow myself a whatever I want day or weekend, so today I've enjoyed a few Hazy Janes and Punk IPAs. I also went for Burgers and chips for dinner as a treat. 95% healthy and the odd blip ain't too bad in my opinion.
It's all about balance folks. Healthy eating and looking after oneself is good, but we need to reward ourselves every now and again. Then get back to it again.
I might chance a few of these again soon, IPAs are so refreshing, when it's sunny
Until next time Beer Saturdayorians...
Oh by the way...
How was your Beer Saturday?
Where were you?
What was the drink of choice?
Who was with you?
Are those your feet?
How's your auld one?
Any other craic?
Join Us
Thanks to @detlev for this ongoing and excellent contest for beer lovers around the world. Why not join yourself? Just tell a story about beer with a few photos or drink a beer and tell us about it.
Sláinte wherever you find yourself, take it handy, and if ya get it, take it twice!
Sláinte and Peace out.