This morning I saw a post passing by by @hivecreators about recapping your Hive journey from the past year. Surely it was time to take a look at this. Want to do the same thing for your journey? Head out to and log in with your Hive keychain app or extension to take a look at what you did this year.
Don't you just love a bit of statistics? I very much do honestly!
Starting off!
The first statistic is that I made 212 posts this year. I'm not sure that I feel like this is less than I had expected or more than I had expected. I try to write whenever I feel like it, and that also means that sometimes there are some days in between because I have other stuff to do or just don't feel like posting.
In general I feel like I post a lot and the same goes for commenting. When I have my laptop, I like to go for some comments here and there. I try to always reply on comments that people left on my half and I try to always make posts with 400 words as a minimum except for when I post on my phone.
What I do would love to see if how much I time I had spend here in the community while doing that. Although that also might be difficult to calculate since I wrote a lot of posts in other programs and then copy them to here.
Looking at which communities I have used most over the year I see that Liketu is one that I like to use. This doesn't surprise me since that is a community I head out to fast when I am on the road for using snaps of awesome places.
I didn't write so much about music this year it seems, and also not so much about beer which in other years I did good in. What happened to the music posts? Good question, I really need to get back to my piano more.
Yeah food posts, I get it that this is high in the list since I love to go for good food and write about that as well. I am expecting maybe the garden community will see more of me in the upcoming year.
I was able to claim 1877 HP this year which I find a decent amount! I started a powerdown for a couple of weeks to save for Hivefest in Croatia and ended up not going and using the funds for another trip.
Hive pays for cool stuff to do and that is awesome!
Last year I also powered down funds to use to buy land in Splinterlands and that land is producing grain and SPS which is totally more community sustainable.
My best paying post was in the #beer community though about my abroad beer trip in the city of Gent. That feels about right. Beer and travel, that is me ;).
Go go go!
As always, I had fun posting in Hive. And although the amount of time you put in there is actually quite high as it seems with the 212 post, I like giving my time to this social blockchain.
Sure, I could take a second job and spend that time there and make a lot more money, but this is all on my terms and whenever it suits me and I just like fumbling around for a bit
Need to get some more videos going as it seems! Maybe 2025 will bring more of that. More flying with the drone and doing cool stuff with that.
Let's see what happens. Hive 2024 was awesome, I am wishing you all the best for next year as well! Happy new year!