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RE: Guess Who’s Coming To Visit?……My Actifit Report Card: July 26 2024

in Actifit9 days ago

I saw the photo of Phoenix on your latest post and decided it was time to do a bit of a scroll back to see what you two have been up to lately!

How was your son’s time on the PCT? Have they done other sections before? Have you don sections?

I haven’t hiked since I was a kiddo (unless you count walking around Disneyland as hiking), but I have recently become mildly PCT obsessed. It started with me stumbling upon the Instagram account of some girl who just finished hiking the whole thing! Then I read a book about people missing on the trail. Then watched two PCT documentaries. Am reading another book called “Wild”, and started following all of these PCT groups on Facebook.

It looks soooo cool.

Anyway, hope all is well in the “bit-top” family. ❤️❤️


Hey @dfinney! Unfortunately, Bill and Agi did not get to go do the PCT. Agi's father passed away unexpectedly and they had to fly to Hungary, where she is from, to take care of things. That's why we have Phoenix right now. I suspect they will postpone the hike until next year. Bill is due back mid week, with Agi staying a couple weeks longer to help her mom through some adjustments. I know you know how this goes. I will be glad when they are both home again and on the same continent!.

We have never done the PCT although it might be interesting to see and do a small portion. I don't think I am physically capable to do any prolonged hiking of that variety because of my hip. But, you never know!

Thanks for stopping by sis! Take care and let me know if you decide to do some of it!