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RE: Three Tune Tuesday #191 Showcase and 5HBI winner announcement

in Musiclast month

Congrat @cmplxty bro.!!

3 songs I actually like this time. 😁


LOL that's awesome, random TTT win :D

And songs you like? Fuck ya!

Not a big fan of the random number generator picking the winner. But you seem to have it's a.i. approval. untitled.gif

It's funny, I didn't realize the format changed to that BUT it makes sense when there are 20-30 people every week! Makes it really hard to dig through that lol you do miss some gems.. but I'm not gonna split hairs.

That's exactly it guys, I would love to have the time to go through all 20-40 entries per week, but that's 60-120 songs, even opening all those posts would be super challenging. So I actually changed to the random number generator for my own mental health, as the old way was taking 4-5 hours at least and I have a pretty busy life already, so just could not justify it, the new way takes me maybe 1 hour, as I still have trawl through and get all the entrants each week. Thanks for sticking with #threetunetuesday anyway guys. It's not perfect, but it's not too bad either.

Yup for sure bro! Gotta do what's best for you and adapt. I think this is perfectly acceptable!


Hahah man is always ready with a GIF!