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RE: Gomez for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 151 - 12 HBI shares to be won!

in Music8 months ago

hello matey !

I just did a downvote on your post - 0ops - no offence, I was told there was no down voting here..just seeing i it was true or not...i hate downvotes...You were the only name still on my 'follow' list that showed up on my feed, from the hive days, and i have no power so wont affect you much if its' working..

(where i can i see if the downvote function is working ?)

Hope all is well !

Posted using Bilpcoin


Hey @lucylin - all good this side thanks, and hopefully likewise your side.

Thanks for the honesty, as I would not have noticed otherwise, but just a suggestion, next time you test a downvote, maybe find a post you don't actually like or if you do what you did, maybe read the actual post afterwards and make a meaningful comment that shows that you actual read the post.